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Zod Utilz

Framework agnostic utilities for Zod

Table of contents


To fill the gap of features that might be missing in Zod. Always open to suggestions. Feel free to open an issue or PR.


From npm (Node/Bun)

npm install zod_utilz
yarn add zod_utilz
pnpm add zod_utilz
bun add zod_utilz

Getting Started


// Node/Bun
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'

// Deno
import { zu } from ''
import { zu } from 'npm:zod_utilz'



SPR stands for SafeParseResult

This enables optional chaining or nullish coalescing for z.SafeParseReturnType.

import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = z.object( { foo: z.string() } )
const result = zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( { foo: 42 } ) )
const fooDataOrErrors = ?? result.error?.format().foo?._errors


Simplifies the process of making a ZodErrorMap

import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'

const errorMap = zu.makeErrorMap( {
    required: 'Custom required message',
    invalid_type: ( { data } ) => `${ data } is an invalid type`,
    invalid_enum_value: ( { data, options } ) =>
        `${ data } is not a valid enum value. Valid options: ${ options?.join( ' | ' ) } `,
} )

const stringSchema = z.string( { errorMap } )
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( undefined ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// Custom required message
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( 42 ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 42 is an invalid type

const enumSchema = z.enum( [ 'foo', 'bar' ], { errorMap } )
zu.SPR( enumSchema.safeParse( 'baz' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// baz is not a valid enum value. Valid options: foo | bar


import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schemaWithTypedParsers = zu.useTypedParsers( z.literal( 'foo' ) )

schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'foo' )
// no ts errors

schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'bar' )
//                            ^^^^^
// Argument of type '"bar"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"foo"'


  • Partial Safe Parse
  • URLSearchParams
  • FormData
  • BaseType (Recursively get the base type of a Zod type)
    • zu.baseType( z.string() ) // z.string
    • zu.baseType( z.string().optional() ) // z.string
    • zu.baseType( z.string().optional().refine() ) // z.string
    • zu.baseType( z.string().array().optional().refine() ) // z.array
  • Logo
  • GitHub Actions
    • Auto publish to npm