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Zod Utilz

Framework agnostic utilities for Zod

Table of contents


From npm (Node/Bun)

npm install zod_utilz zod       # npm
yarn add zod_utilz zod          # yarn
bun add zod_utilz zod           # bun
pnpm add zod_utilz zod          # pnpm

Getting Started


import {} from 'npm:zod_utilz'  # Deno
import {} from 'zod_utilz'      # Node/Bun


import { getErrorMessage } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = z.string()
zUtilz.getErrorMessage( schema.safeParse( undefined ) )
// Required


import { makeErrorMap, getErrorMessage } from 'zod_utilz'

const { errorMap } = zUtilz.makeErrorMap( {
    required: 'Custom required message',
    invalid_type: ( { data } ) => `${ data } is an invalid type`,
    invalid_enum_value: ( { data, options } ) =>
        `${ data } is not a valid enum value. Valid options: ${ options?.join( ' | ' ) } `,
} )

const stringSchema = z.string( { errorMap } )
zUtilz.getErrorMessage( stringSchema.safeParse( undefined ) )
// Custom required message
zUtilz.getErrorMessage( stringSchema.safeParse( 42 ) )
// 42 is an invalid type

const enumSchema = z.enum( [ 'foo', 'bar' ], { errorMap } )
zUtilz.getErrorMessage( enumSchema.safeParse( 'baz' ) )
// baz is not a valid enum value. Valid options: foo | bar