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πŸ¦• Molt

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Molt is still being developed actively. The API is not stable yet and may change frequently.

Molt is a Deno module to bump version strings in import specifiers, like udd, but with some unique concepts:

The Deno way - Molt finds dependencies and checks their latest versions in a consistent way as the Deno runtime, with deno_graph and import_map crates, etc.

Module-first - The core logic is provided as a Deno module, which enables you to write the best scripts for your use cases.

Git-friendly - The operations can be easily divided into logical groups for subsequent git commits.


Molt can check updates to dependencies written in different formats and bump their versions. URL imports, npm: and jsr: specifiers are all supported:


Molt does NOT bump version ragnges like 1, 1.x, ~1.2.3 and ^1.2.3 in npm: and jrs: specifiers, but only updates a lockfile.

Import specifiers in ES modules

- import { assert } from "";
+ import { assert } from "";

Import maps

    "imports": {
      "@core/match": "jsr:@core/match@0.1.x",
-     "@std/assert": "jsr:@std/assert@0.200.0",
-     "node-emoji": "npm:node-emoji@2.0.0"
+     "@std/assert": "jsr:@std/assert@0.218.2",
+     "node-emoji": "npm:node-emoji@2.1.3"

Lock files


This is still an experimental feature and may not work as expected. Requires Deno v1.41.0 or later.

    "version": "3",
    "packages": {
      "specifiers": {
-       "jsr:@core/match@0.1.x": "jsr:@core/match@0.1.0",
+       "jsr:@core/match@0.1.x": "jsr:@core/match@0.1.9",
        "npm:ts-toolbelt@9.6.0": "npm:ts-toolbelt@9.6.0"
      "jsr": {
-       "@core/match@0.1.0": {
-         "integrity": "6f1edfca5215735a12aa2dbd920ead331a501eb5e3ad70cba3b9787610c7bfaf",
+       "@core/match@0.1.9": {
+         "integrity": "ceff06cf40212bb720925972a4405bef373efe768690b344ac4fd7ca7189f746",
          "dependencies": [


Deno Module

API Reference


Update all dependencies in a module and write the changes to local files
import { collect, write } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const result = await collect("./mod.ts");
await write(result);
Update all dependencies in a module and commit the changes to git
import { collect, commit } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const result = await collect("./mod.ts");

await commit(result, {
  groupBy: (dependency) =>,
  composeCommitMessage: ({ group, version }) =>
    `build(deps): bump ${group} to ${version!.to}`,


Although it is encouraged to write your own scripts, a pre-built CLI tool is also provided as cli.ts for convenience or a reference implementation, which is supposed to cover most of the use cases.

Installation (optional)

The molt CLI can be installed globally with the following command, for example:

deno install --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run=git,deno\
--name molt{VERSION}/cli.ts

Alternatively, you may prefer to run the remote script directly through deno task for better security or reproducibility:

  "tasks": {
    "update": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write=. --allow-run=git,deno{VERSION}/cli.ts ./**/*.ts",
    "update:commit": "deno task -q update --commit --pre-commit=fmt"


> molt --help
Usage: molt <modules...>


  Check updates to dependencies in Deno modules and configuration files


  -h, --help                 - Show this help.                                                                         
  -v, --version              - Print version info.                                                                     
  --import-map     <file>    - Specify import map file                                                                 
  --ignore         <deps>    - Ignore dependencies                                                                     
  --only           <deps>    - Check specified dependencies                                                            
  -w, --write                - Write changes to local files                        (Conflicts: --commit)               
  -c, --commit               - Commit changes to local git repository              (Conflicts: --write)                
  --pre-commit     <tasks>   - Run tasks before each commit                        (Depends: --commit)                 
  --post-commit    <tasks>   - Run tasks after each commit                         (Depends: --commit)                 
  --prefix         <prefix>  - Prefix for commit messages                          (Depends: --commit)                 
  --prefix-lock    <prefix>  - Prefix for commit messages of updating a lock file  (Depends: --commit, --unstable-lock)
  --summary        <file>    - Write a summary of changes to file                                                      
  --report         <file>    - Write a report of changes to file                                                       
  --unstable-lock  [file]    - Enable unstable updating of a lock file

Molt CLI automatically finds deno.json or deno.jsonc in the current working directory or its parent directories and uses import maps defined in the file if available.


Check for updates
> molt deno.json
πŸ“¦ @luca/flag 1.0.0 => 1.1.0
πŸ“¦ 0.200.0 => 0.218.2
πŸ“¦ 0.50.0 => 0.69.7
πŸ“¦ node-emoji 2.0.0 => 2.1.3
Write changes to files
> molt deno.json --write
πŸ’Ύ deno.json
Commit changes to git
> molt deno.json --commit --prefix :package:
πŸ“ :package: bump @luca/flag from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
πŸ“ :package: bump from 0.200.0 to 0.218.2
πŸ“ :package: bump from 0.50.0 to 0.69.7
πŸ“ :package: bump node-emoji from 2.0.0 to 2.1.3

Compatibility with registries

We check compatibility with various registries in an integration test.

Deno’s official registries

Molt offers first-class support for the following registries, which means that we may implement registry-specific routines for them:

Third-party registries

Molt also works with the following third-party registries:

The following registries are not compatible with Molt:

How it works



The following limitations are imposed by the design of Molt:

  • Version constraints on URL imports are not supported.
  • Dependencies in import specifiers are only targeted.

See issues for other known limitations.


Molt is inspired by prior works such as

and of full respect to the authors.