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πŸ¦• Molt

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Molt is still being developed actively. The API is not stable yet and may change frequently.

Molt is a Deno module to bump versions in import specifiers, like udd, but with a few different goals:

Consistent - Molt uses deno_graph for dependency resolution, and utilizes fetch redirects for unversioned dependencies to get latest versions. This should make it support as many module registries as Deno runtime does, with a minimum maintenance cost.

Module-first - The core logic is provided as versatile functions in a Deno module, which enables you to write the best scripts for your use cases.

Git-friendly - The operations can be easily divided into logical groups for subsequent git commits. A submodule and CLI for git operations are also provided.


Deno Module

API Reference


Update all dependencies in a module and write the changes to local files
import { collect, writeAll } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const updates = await collect("./mod.ts", { importMap: "./deno.json" });

await writeAll(updates, {
  onWrite: (file) => console.log(`πŸ’Ύ ${file.specifier}`),
Update all dependencies in a module and commit the changes to local git repository
import { collect, commitAll } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const updates = await collect("./mod.ts", { findImportMap: true });

await commitAll(updates, {
  groupBy: (dependency) =>,
  composeCommitMessage: ({ group, version }) =>
    `build(deps): bump ${group} to ${version!.to}`,
  postCommit: (commit) => console.log(commit.message),


Although it is encouraged to write your own scripts, a pre-built CLI tool is also provided as cli.ts for convenience or a reference implementation, which is supposed to cover most of the use cases.

Installation (optional)

The molt CLI can be installed globally with the following command, for example:

deno install --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run=git,deno\
--name molt{VERSION}/cli.ts

Alternatively, you may prefer to run the remote script directly through deno task for better security or reproducibility:

  "tasks": {
    "update": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write=. --allow-run=git,deno{VERSION}/cli.ts ./**/*.ts",
    "update:commit": "deno task -q update --commit --pre-commit=fmt,lint,test"


> molt --help
Usage: molt <modules...>


  Check updates to dependencies in Deno modules


  -h, --help               - Show this help.                                            
  -v, --version            - Print version info.                                        
  --import-map   <file>    - Specify import map file                                    
  -w, --write              - Write changes to local files                               
  -c, --commit             - Commit changes to local git repository                     
  --pre-commit   <tasks>   - Run tasks before each commit            (Depends: --commit)
  --post-commit  <tasks>   - Run tasks after each commit             (Depends: --commit)
  --prefix       <prefix>  - Prefix for commit messages              (Depends: --commit)
  --summary      <file>    - Write a summary of changes to file                         
  --report       <file>    - Write a report of changes to file

Molt CLI automatically uses import maps defined in deno.json or deno.jsonc if available.
You can’t, however, use import maps as entrypoints.


Check for updates
> molt mod.ts 
πŸ’‘ Found updates:

πŸ“¦ 0.200.0 => 123.456.789
  lib.ts 0.200.0
  mod.ts 0.200.0

πŸ“¦ 0.50.0 => 123.456.789
  mod.ts 0.50.0

πŸ“¦ node-emoji 2.0.0 => 123.456.789
  mod.ts 2.0.0
Write changes to files
> molt mod.ts --write
πŸ’‘ Found updates:

πŸ’Ύ lib.ts
πŸ’Ύ mod.ts
Commit changes to git
> molt mod.ts --commit --pre-commit=test --prefix :package: --summary title.txt --report
πŸ’‘ Found updates:

πŸ“ :package: bump from 0.200.0 to 123.456.789
πŸ“ :package: bump from 0.50.0 to 123.456.789
πŸ“ :package: bump node-emoji from 2.0.0 to 123.456.789


The following limitations are (currently) imposed by the design of Molt:

  • Dependencies are always updated to the latest version. No version constraints are supported.
  • Dependencies in import specifiers are only targeted.

See issues for other known limitations.


Molt is inspired by prior works such as

and of full respect to the authors.