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Zonos API

zonos api integration for deno



import { Zonos } from "";

const zonos = new Zonos({
  account_number: "",
  api_key: ""

Note: register for an account_number and api_key at Zonos

Change API version

    Version: string | number 

This can also be set directly on the Zonos class initialization with: apiVersion: '1'.

Set Cors Proxy

some endpoints do not support cross origin if called from the front end. In that case you can set a cors proxy to pass the request through.


This can also be set directly on the Zonos class initialization with: corsProxy: ''.

Note: is not currently live. Use your own cors proxy for now.

Direct API Call

        "json": "body"

Note: see Zonos Docs for more information on our supported REST endpoints.


Get Order

Returns a single orders details

By zonos order id:

    id: string | number
    isReferenceId?: boolean

By refrerence id:

    id: string | number
    isReferenceId?: boolean
zonos.getOrder("order_bt23", true);

Additonal Docs: Order Details

Get Orders

Returns a list of orders that have been created from your checkouts. (requires api version 1)

    sinceDate: string - yyyyMMdd
    statuses?: boolean 
zonos.getOrders("20220912", true);

Update Order Status

Updates an orders status in Zonos Dashboard

    orderId: string | number
    status: string 
zonos.updateOrderStatus("152352", "ready");

Allowed statuses: preparing - ready - printed - cancelled - completed

Update Order Number

Adds a merchant order id to the order.

        orderId: string | number 
        merchantOrderId: string | number
    zonos.updateOrderNumber("152352", "bc_123");

merchantOrderId should match the order id used in your ecomm platform

Add/Update Order Tracking Numbers

Add or update a tracking number to the order.

    orderId: string | number
    trackingNumber: string
zonos.updateOrderTracking("152352", "fedex_tracking_number");

this will automatically mark the order as completed in Zonos Dashboard


Create a Checkout

creates a checkout and returns a url for the customer to access the checkout

    cart: ZonosCart
    countryCode?: string
zonos.createCheckout(cart, "CA");

cart must be json format with at least the rquired fields shown on the ZonosCart type