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Configure API clients using Zod schemas for type enforcement and interpreted action methods.

Api Client

import { zodApiClient, zodApiResource } from "zod_api"

const apiClient = zodApiClient({
  baseUrl: "",
  resources: {
    foo: zodApiResource("/foo", {
      actions: {
        get: {
          dataSchema: z.object({
            bar: z.string(),
            baz: z.number(),
    bar: zodApiResource("/bar/:id", {
      // URL parameters schema is enforced by the given path, /baz/[id] pattern is also supported
      urlParamsSchema: z.object({
        id: z.number(),
      actions: {
        post: {
          searchParamsSchema: z.object({
            q: z.string().optional(),
          bodySchema: z.object({
            field1: z.string(),
            field2: z.number(),
          headersSchema: z.object({
            "x-key": z.string(),
            "x-secret": z.string(),

Action methods are inferred and explorable thorugh auto-complete:

const response1 = await

const resposne2 = await{
  urlParams: {
    id: 123,
  searchParams: {
    q: "query",
  body: {
    field1: "some string",
    field2: 42,
  headers: {
    "x-key": "key",
    "x-secret": "secret",

Setup authentication:

import { z } from "zod"
import { TokenAuth, zodApiClient, zodApiResource } from "./mod.ts"

// Schemas
const ArtistSchema = z.object({
  genres: z.array(z.string()),
  href: z.string(),
  id: z.string(),
  name: z.string(),
  popularity: z.number(),
  type: z.enum(["artist"]),
  uri: z.string(),

const AccessTokenSchema = z.object({
  access_token: z.string(),
  token_type: z.enum(["Bearer"]),
  expires_in: z.number(),

// Spotify API Client
const spotifyApiClient = zodApiClient({
  baseUrl: "",
  logger: console,
  fetcher: fetch,

  // Setup normal header authentication
  requestParams: {
    headers: {
      "x-api-key": "{api_key}",
      "x-api-secret": "{api_secret}",

  // ... Or setup bearer token authentication
  auth: new TokenAuth(AccessTokenSchema, {
    tokenUrl: "",
    clientId: "{client_id}",
    clientSecret: "{client_secret}",
    mapper: (token) => token.access_token,
    requestParams: {
      body: new URLSearchParams({
        grant_type: "client_credentials",

  // Define resources
  resources: {
    artist: zodApiResource("/artists/:id", {
      urlParamsSchema: z.object({
        id: z.string(),
      actions: {
        get: {
          dataSchema: ArtistSchema,