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Next-gen, TypeScript-first HTTP request mocking

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Zimic is a lightweight, thoroughly tested, TypeScript-first HTTP request mocking library, inspired by Zod’s type inference.


Zimic provides a flexible and type-safe way to mock HTTP requests.

  • Statically-typed mocks. Declare your HTTP endpoints and get full static type inference and validation when applying mocks.
  • 🔗 Network-level intercepts. Internally, Zimic combines MSW and interceptor servers to act on real HTTP requests. This means that no parts of your code are stubbed or skipped. From you application’s point of view, the mocked requests are indistinguishable from the real ones.
  • 🔧 Flexibility. You can simulate real application workflows by mocking any number of endpoints. This is specially useful in testing, making sure that the path your application takes is covered.
  • 💡 Simplicity. Zimic was designed from scratch to encourage clarity, simplicity and developer experience in your mocks. Check our getting started guide and starting mocking!

Table of contents

Getting started

1. Requirements

  • TypeScript >= 4.7

  • strict enabled in your tsconfig.json:

      // ...
      "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        "strict": true,

2. Install from npm

Manager Command
npm npm install zimic --save-dev
pnpm pnpm add zimic --dev
yarn yarn add zimic --dev
bun bun add zimic --dev

The latest (possibly unstable) code is available in canary releases, under the tag canary:

Manager Command
npm npm install zimic@canary --save-dev
pnpm pnpm add zimic@canary --dev
yarn yarn add zimic@canary --dev
bun bun add zimic@canary --dev

3. Choose your method to intercept requests

Zimic interceptors support two types of execution: local and remote.


The type is an individual interceptor setting. It is perfectly possible to have multiple interceptors with different types in the same application! However, keep in mind that local interceptors have precedence over remote interceptors.

Local HTTP interceptors

When an interceptor is local, Zimic uses MSW to intercept requests in the same process as your application. This is the simplest way to start mocking requests and does not require any server setup.

When to use local:

  • Testing: If you run your application in the same process as your tests. This is common when using unit and integration test runners such as Jest and Vitest.
  • Development: If you want to mock requests in your development environment without setting up a server. This is be useful when you need a backend that is not ready or available.

Our Vitest, Jest, and Next.js Pages Router examples use local interceptors.


All mocking operations in local interceptor are synchronous. There’s no need to await them before making requests.

Remote HTTP interceptors

When an interceptor is remote, Zimic uses a dedicated local interceptor server to handle requests. This opens up more possibilities for mocking, such as handling requests from multiple applications. It is also more robust because it uses a regular HTTP server and does not depend on local interception algorithms.

When to use remote:

  • Testing: If you do not run your application in the same process as your tests. When using Cypress, Playwright, or other end-to-end testing tools, this is generally the case because the test runner and the application run in separate processes. This might also happen in more complex setups with unit and integration test runners, such as testing a server that is running in another process, terminal, or machine.
  • Development: If you want your mocked responses to be accessible by other processes in your local network (e.g. browser, app, curl) . A common scenario is to create a mock server along with a script to apply the mocks. After started, the server can be accessed by other applications and return mock responses.

Our Playwright and Next.js App Router examples use remote interceptors.


All mocking operations in remote interceptors are asynchronous. Make sure to await them before making requests.

Many code snippets in this show examples with a local and a remote interceptor. Generally, the remote snippets differ only by adding await where necessary.

If you are using typescript-eslint, a handy rule is @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises. It checks that no promises are unhandled, avoiding forgetting to await remote interceptor operations.

4. Post-install

Node.js post-install

No additional configuration is necessary for Node.js. Check out the usage guide and start mocking!

Browser post-install

If you plan to use local interceptors and run Zimic in a browser, you must first initialize a mock service worker in your public directory. After that, check out the usage guide and start mocking!


Visit our examples to see how to use Zimic with popular frameworks and libraries!


Basic usage

  1. To start using Zimic, create your first HTTP interceptor:

    import { JSONValue } from 'zimic';
    import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';
    type User = JSONValue<{
      username: string;
    const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
      '/users': {
        GET: {
          response: {
            200: { body: User[] };
      type: 'local',
      baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
    import { JSONValue } from 'zimic';
    import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';
    type User = JSONValue<{
      username: string;
    const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
      '/users': {
        GET: {
          response: {
            200: { body: User[] };
      type: 'remote',
      // The interceptor server is at http://localhost:4000
      baseURL: 'http://localhost:4000/my-service',

    In this example, we’re creating an interceptor for a service supporting GET requests to /users. A successful response contains an array of User objects. Learn more about declaring HTTP service schemas.

  2. Then, start the interceptor:

    await interceptor.start();

    If you are creating a remote interceptor, it’s necessary to have a running interceptor server before starting it. The base URL of the remote interceptor should point to the server, optionally including a path to differentiate from other interceptors.

  3. Now, you can intercept requests and return mock responses!

    const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
      status: 200,
      body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
    const response = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/users');
    const users = await response.json();
    console.log(users); // [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }]
    const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
      status: 200,
      body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
    const response = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/users');
    const users = await response.json();
    console.log(users); // [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }]

More usage examples and recommendations are available in our examples and the zimic/interceptor API reference.


We recommend managing the lifecycle of your interceptors using beforeAll and afterAll, or equivalent hooks, in your test setup file. An example using a Jest/Vitest API:


// Your interceptors
const interceptors = [userInterceptor, analyticsInterceptor];

// Start intercepting requests
beforeAll(async () => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {
    await interceptor.start();

// Clear all interceptors so that no tests affect each other
beforeEach(() => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {

// Stop intercepting requests
afterAll(async () => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {
    await interceptor.stop();
// Your interceptors
const interceptors = [userInterceptor, analyticsInterceptor];

// Start intercepting requests
beforeAll(async () => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {
    await interceptor.start();

// Clear all interceptors so that no tests affect each other
beforeEach(async () => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {
    await interceptor.clear();

// Stop intercepting requests
afterAll(async () => {
  for (const interceptor of interceptors) {
    await interceptor.stop();

When using remote interceptors, a common strategy is to apply your mocks before starting the application. See Next.js App Router - Loading mocks and Playwright - Loading mocks for examples.

zimic API reference

This module provides general resources, such as HTTP classes and types.


All APIs are documented using JSDoc and visible directly in your IDE.


A superset of the built-in Headers class, with a strictly-typed schema. HttpHeaders is fully compatible with Headers and is used by Zimic to provide type safety when managing headers.

HttpHeaders example:
import { HttpHeaders } from 'zimic';

const headers = new HttpHeaders<{
  accept?: string;
  'content-type'?: string;
  accept: '*/*',
  'content-type': 'application/json',

const contentType = headers.get('content-type');
console.log(contentType); // 'application/json'

Comparing HttpHeaders

HttpHeaders also provides the utility methods headers.equals() and headers.contains(), useful in comparisons with other headers:

Comparing HttpHeaders example:
import { HttpSchema, HttpHeaders } from 'zimic';

type HeaderSchema = HttpSchema.Headers<{
  accept?: string;
  'content-type'?: string;

const headers1 = new HttpHeaders<HeaderSchema>({
  accept: '*/*',
  'content-type': 'application/json',

const headers2 = new HttpHeaders<HeaderSchema>({
  accept: '*/*',
  'content-type': 'application/json',

const headers3 = new HttpHeaders<
  HeaderSchema & {
    'x-custom-header'?: string;
  accept: '*/*',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  'x-custom-header': 'value',

console.log(headers1.equals(headers2)); // true
console.log(headers1.equals(headers3)); // false

console.log(headers1.contains(headers2)); // true
console.log(headers1.contains(headers3)); // false
console.log(headers3.contains(headers1)); // true


A superset of the built-in URLSearchParams class, with a strictly-typed schema. HttpSearchParams is fully compatible with URLSearchParams and is used by Zimic to provide type safety when managing search parameters.

HttpSearchParams example:
import { HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';

const searchParams = new HttpSearchParams<{
  names?: string[];
  page?: `${number}`;
  names: ['user 1', 'user 2'],
  page: '1',

const names = searchParams.getAll('names');
console.log(names); // ['user 1', 'user 2']

const page = searchParams.get('page');
console.log(page); // '1'

Comparing HttpSearchParams

HttpSearchParams also provides the utility methods searchParams.equals() and searchParams.contains(), useful in comparisons with other search params:

Comparing HttpSearchParams example:
import { HttpSchema, HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';

type SearchParamsSchema = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  names?: string[];
  page?: `${number}`;

const searchParams1 = new HttpSearchParams<SearchParamsSchema>({
  names: ['user 1', 'user 2'],
  page: '1',

const searchParams2 = new HttpSearchParams<SearchParamsSchema>({
  names: ['user 1', 'user 2'],
  page: '1',

const searchParams3 = new HttpSearchParams<
  SearchParamsSchema & {
    orderBy?: `${'name' | 'email'}.${'asc' | 'desc'}[]`;
  names: ['user 1', 'user 2'],
  page: '1',
  orderBy: ['name.asc'],

console.log(searchParams1.equals(searchParams2)); // true
console.log(searchParams1.equals(searchParams3)); // false

console.log(searchParams1.contains(searchParams2)); // true
console.log(searchParams1.contains(searchParams3)); // false
console.log(searchParams3.contains(searchParams1)); // true


A superset of the built-in FormData class, with a strictly-typed schema. HttpFormData is fully compatible with FormData and is used by Zimic to provide type safety when managing form data.

HttpFormData example:
import { HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

const formData = new HttpFormData<{
  files: File[];
  description?: string;

formData.append('file', new File(['content'], 'file.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));
formData.append('description', 'My file');

const files = formData.getAll('file');
console.log(files); // [File { name: 'file.txt', type: 'text/plain' }]

const description = formData.get('description');
console.log(description); // 'My file'

Comparing HttpFormData

HttpFormData also provides the utility methods formData.equals() and formData.contains(), useful in comparisons with other form data:

Comparing HttpFormData example:
import { HttpSchema, HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

type FormDataSchema = HttpSchema.FormData<{
  files: File[];
  description?: string;

const formData1 = new HttpFormData<FormDataSchema>();
formData1.append('file', new File(['content'], 'file.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));
formData1.append('description', 'My file');

const formData2 = new HttpFormData<FormDataSchema>();
formData2.append('file', new File(['content'], 'file.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));
formData2.append('description', 'My file');

const formData3 = new HttpFormData<FormDataSchema>();

formData3.append('file', new File(['content'], 'file.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));
formData3.append('description', 'My file');

console.log(formData1.equals(formData2)); // true
console.log(formData1.equals(formData3)); // false

console.log(formData1.contains(formData2)); // true
console.log(formData1.contains(formData3)); // true
console.log(formData3.contains(formData1)); // false

zimic/interceptor API reference

This module provides resources to create HTTP interceptors for both Node.js and browser environments.


HTTP interceptors provide the main API to handle HTTP requests and return mock responses. The methods, paths, status codes, parameters, and responses are statically-typed based on the service schema.

Each interceptor represents a service and can be used to mock its paths and methods.


Creates an HTTP interceptor, the main interface to intercept HTTP requests and return responses. Learn more about declaring service schemas.

Creating a local HTTP interceptor

A local interceptor is configured with type: 'local'. The baseURL represents the URL should be matched by this interceptor. Any request starting with the baseURL will be intercepted if a matching handler exists.

import { JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Creating a remote HTTP interceptor

A remote interceptor is configured with type: 'remote'. The baseURL points to an interceptor server. Any request starting with the baseURL will be intercepted if a matching handler exists.

import { JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
  // The interceptor server is at http://localhost:4000
  // `/my-service` is a path to differentiate from other
  // interceptors using the same server
  type: 'remote',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:4000/my-service',

A single interceptor server is perfectly capable of handling multiple interceptors and requests. Thus, additional paths are supported and might be necessary to differentiate between conflicting interceptors. If you may have multiple threads or processes applying mocks concurrently to the same interceptor server, it’s important to keep the interceptor base URLs unique. Also, make sure that your application is considering the correct URL when making requests.

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  // ...
  type: 'remote',
  // Declaring a base URL with a unique identifier to prevent conflicts
  baseURL: `http://localhost:4000/my-service-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,

// Your application should use this base URL when making requests
const baseURL = interceptor.baseURL();
Unhandled requests

When a request is not matched by any interceptor handlers, it is considered unhandled and will be logged to the console by default.


If you expected a request to be handled, but it was not, make sure that the interceptor base URL, path, method, and restrictions correctly match the request. Additionally, confirm that no errors occurred while creating the response.

In a local interceptor, unhandled requests are always bypassed, meaning that they pass through the interceptor and reach the real network. Remote interceptors in pair with an interceptor server always reject unhandled requests because they cannot be bypassed.

You can override the default logging behavior per interceptor with onUnhandledRequest in http.createInterceptor().

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<Schema>({
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  onUnhandledRequest: { log: false },

onUnhandledRequest also accepts a function to dynamically choose when to ignore an unhandled request. Calling await context.log() logs the request to the console. Learn more about the request object at Intercepted HTTP resources.

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<Schema>({
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  onUnhandledRequest: async (request, context) => {
    const url = new URL(request.url);

    // Ignore only unhandled requests to /assets
    if (!url.pathname.startsWith('/assets')) {
      await context.log();

If you want to override the default logging behavior for all interceptors, or requests that did not match any known base URL, you can use http.default.onUnhandledRequest. Keep in mind that defining an onUnhandledRequest when creating an interceptor will take precedence over http.default.onUnhandledRequest.

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

// Example 1: Ignore all unhandled requests
http.default.onUnhandledRequest({ log: false });

// Example 2: Ignore only unhandled requests to /assets
http.default.onUnhandledRequest((request, context) => {
  const url = new URL(request.url);

  if (!url.pathname.startsWith('/assets')) {
    await context.log();

Declaring HTTP service schemas

HTTP service schemas define the structure of the real services being mocked. This includes paths, methods, request and response bodies, and status codes. Based on the schema, interceptors will provide type validation when applying mocks.

An example of a complete interceptor schema:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

// Declaring base types
type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type UserCreationBody = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type NotFoundError = JSONValue<{
  message: string;

type UserListSearchParams = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  name?: string;
  orderBy?: `${'name' | 'email'}.${'asc' | 'desc'}`[];

// Creating the interceptor
const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { accept: string };
        body: UserCreationBody;
      response: {
        201: {
          headers: { 'content-type': string };
          body: User;
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: UserListSearchParams;
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };

  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Alternatively, you can compose the schema using utility types:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

// Declaring the base types
type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type UserCreationBody = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type NotFoundError = JSONValue<{
  message: string;

type UserListSearchParams = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  name?: string;
  orderBy?: `${'name' | 'email'}.${'asc' | 'desc'}`[];

// Declaring user methods
type UserMethods = HttpSchema.Methods<{
  POST: {
    request: {
      headers: { accept: string };
      body: UserCreationBody;
    response: {
      201: {
        headers: { 'content-type': string };
        body: User;

  GET: {
    request: {
      searchParams: UserListSearchParams;
    response: {
      200: { body: User[] };
      404: { body: NotFoundError };

type UserByIdMethods = HttpSchema.Methods<{
  GET: {
    response: {
      200: { body: User };
      404: { body: NotFoundError };

// Declaring user paths
type UserPaths = HttpSchema.Paths<{
  '/users': UserMethods;

type UserByIdPaths = HttpSchema.Paths<{
  '/users/:id': UserByIdMethods;

// Declaring interceptor schema
type ServiceSchema = UserPaths & UserByIdPaths;

// Creating the interceptor
const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<ServiceSchema>({
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring HTTP paths

At the root level, each key represents a path or route of the service:

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    // Path schema
  '/users/:id': {
    // Path schema
  '/posts': {
    // Path schema
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Alternatively, you can also compose paths using the utility type HttpSchema.Paths:
import { HttpSchema } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserPaths = HttpSchema.Paths<{
  '/users': {
    // Path schema
  '/users/:id': {
    // Path schema

type PostPaths = HttpSchema.Paths<{
  '/posts': {
    // Path schema

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<UserPaths & PostPaths>({
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring HTTP methods

Each path can have one or more methods, (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS). The method names are case-sensitive.

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      // Method schema
    POST: {
      // Method schema
  // Other paths
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Similarly to paths, you can also compose methods using the utility type HttpSchema.Methods:
import { HttpSchema } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserMethods = HttpSchema.Methods<{
  GET: {
    // Method schema
  POST: {
    // Method schema

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': UserMethods;
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring HTTP requests

Each method can have a request, which defines the schema of the accepted requests. headers, searchParams, and body are supported to provide type safety when applying mocks. Path parameters are automatically inferred from dynamic paths, such as /users/:id.

Declaring a request type with search params:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserListSearchParams = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  username?: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: { searchParams: UserListSearchParams };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a request type with JSON body:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserCreationBody = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: { body: UserCreationBody };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',


JSON body types cannot be declared using TypeScript interfaces, because they do not have implicit index signatures as types do. Part of Zimic’s JSON validation relies on index signatures. To workaround this, you can declare JSON bodies using type. As an extra step to make sure the type is a valid JSON, you can use the utility type JSONValue.


The utility type JSONSerialized, exported from zimic, can be handy to infer the serialized type of an object. It converts Date’s to strings, removes function properties and serializes nested objects and arrays.

import { JSONSerialized } from 'zimic';

class User {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  createdAt: Date;
  method() {
    // ...

type SerializedUser = JSONSerialized<User>;
// { name: string, age: number, createdAt: string }
Declaring a request type with form data body:
import { HttpSchema, HttpFormData } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type FileUploadData = HttpSchema.FormData<{
  files: File[];
  description?: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/files': {
    POST: {
      request: { body: HttpFormData<FileUploadData> };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a request type with blob body:
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: { body: Blob };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a request type with plain text body:
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: { body: string };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a request type with search params (x-www-form-urlencoded) body:
import { HttpSchema, HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserListSearchParams = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  username?: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: { body: HttpSearchParams<UserListSearchParams> };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',


You only need to include in the schema the properties you want to use in your mocks. Headers, search params, or body fields that are not used do not need to be declared, keeping your type definitions clean and concise.

You can also compose requests using the utility type HttpSchema.Request, similarly to methods:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserCreationBody = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type UserCreationRequest = HttpSchema.Request<{
  body: UserCreationBody;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: UserCreationRequest;
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring HTTP responses

Each method can also have a response, which defines the schema of the returned responses. The status codes are used as keys. headers and body are supported to provide type safety when applying mocks.

Bodies can be a JSON object, HttpFormData, HttpSearchParams, Blob, or plain text.

Declaring a response type with JSON body:
import { JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type NotFoundError = JSONValue<{
  message: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',


Also similarly to declaring HTTP requests, JSON body types cannot be declared using TypeScript interfaces, because they do not have implicit index signatures as types do. Part of Zimic’s JSON validation relies on index signatures. To workaround this, you can declare bodies using type. As an extra step to make sure the type is a valid JSON, you can use the utility type JSONValue.

Declaring a response type with form data body:
import { HttpSchema, HttpFormData } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type FileUploadData = HttpSchema.FormData<{
  files: File[];
  description?: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/files': {
    POST: {
      response: {
        200: { body: HttpFormData<FileUploadData> };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a response type with blob body:
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      response: {
        200: { body: Blob };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a response type with plain text body:
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      response: {
        200: { body: string };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
Declaring a response type with search params (x-www-form-urlencoded) body:
import { HttpSchema, HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type UserListSearchParams = HttpSchema.SearchParams<{
  username?: string;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      response: {
        200: { body: HttpSearchParams<UserListSearchParams> };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',


Similarly to declaring HTTP requests, you only need to include in the schema the properties you want to use in your mocks. Headers, search params, or body fields that are not used do not need to be declared, keeping your type definitions clean and concise.

You can also compose responses using the utility types HttpSchema.ResponseByStatusCode and HttpSchema.Response, similarly to requests:
import { HttpSchema, JSONValue } from 'zimic';
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

type User = JSONValue<{
  username: string;

type NotFoundError = JSONValue<{
  message: string;

type SuccessUserGetResponse = HttpSchema.Response<{
  body: User;

type NotFoundUserGetResponse = HttpSchema.Response<{
  body: NotFoundError;

type UserGetResponses = HttpSchema.ResponseByStatusCode<{
  200: SuccessUserGetResponse;
  404: NotFoundUserGetResponse;

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      response: UserGetResponses;
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

HTTP interceptor.start()

Starts the interceptor. Only interceptors that are running will intercept requests.

await interceptor.start();

When targeting a browser environment with a local interceptor, make sure to follow the browser post-install guide before starting your interceptors.

HTTP interceptor.stop()

Stops the interceptor. Stopping an interceptor will also clear its registered handlers and responses.

await interceptor.stop();

HTTP interceptor.isRunning()

Returns whether the interceptor is currently running and ready to use.

const isRunning = interceptor.isRunning();

HTTP interceptor.baseURL()

Returns the base URL of the interceptor.

const baseURL = interceptor.baseURL();

HTTP interceptor.platform()

Returns the platform used by the interceptor (browser or node).

const platform = interceptor.platform();

HTTP interceptor.<method>(path)

Creates an HttpRequestHandler for the given method and path. The path and method must be declared in the interceptor schema.

The supported methods are: get, post, put, patch, delete, head, and options.

When using a remote interceptor, creating a handler is an asynchronous operation, so you need to await it. You can also chain any number of operations and apply them by awaiting the handler.

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
  type: 'remote',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:4000/my-service',

const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
Dynamic path parameters

Paths with dynamic path parameters are supported, such as /users/:id. Even when using a computed path (e.g. /users/1), the original path is automatically inferred, guaranteeing type safety.

import { http } from 'zimic/interceptor';

const interceptor = http.createInterceptor<{
  '/users/:id': {
    PUT: {
      request: {
        body: { username: string };
      response: {
        204: {};
  type: 'local',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

interceptor.get('/users/:id'); // Matches any id
interceptor.get(`/users/${1}`); // Only matches id 1

request.pathParams contains the parsed path parameters of a request and have their type automatically inferred from the path string. For example, the path /users/:userId will result in a request.pathParams of type { userId: string }.

const updateHandler = interceptor.put('/users/:id').respond((request) => {
  console.log(request.pathParams); // { id: '1' }

  return {
    status: 200,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

await fetch('http://localhost:3000/users/1', { method: 'PUT' });
const updateHandler = await interceptor.put('/users/:id').respond((request) => {
  console.log(request.pathParams); // { id: '1' }

  return {
    status: 200,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

await fetch('http://localhost:3000/users/1', { method: 'PUT' });

HTTP interceptor.clear()

Clears all of the HttpRequestHandler instances created by this interceptor, including their registered responses and intercepted requests. After calling this method, the interceptor will no longer intercept any requests until new mock responses are registered.

This method is useful to reset the interceptor mocks between tests.

await interceptor.clear();


HTTP request handlers allow declaring HTTP responses to return for intercepted requests. They also keep track of the intercepted requests and their responses, which can be used to check if the requests your application has made are correct.

When multiple handlers match the same method and path, the last created with interceptor.<method>(path) will be used.

HTTP handler.method()

Returns the method that matches a handler.

const handler ='/users');
const method = handler.method();
console.log(method); // 'POST'
const handler = await'/users');
const method = handler.method();
console.log(method); // 'POST'

HTTP handler.path()

Returns the path that matches a handler. The base URL of the interceptor is not included, but it is used when matching requests.

const handler = interceptor.get('/users');
const path = handler.path();
console.log(path); // '/users'
const handler = await interceptor.get('/users');
const path = handler.path();
console.log(path); // '/users'

HTTP handler.with(restriction)

Declares a restriction to intercepted requests. headers, searchParams, and body are supported to limit which requests will match the handler and receive the mock response. If multiple restrictions are declared, either in a single object or with multiple calls to handler.with(), all of them must be met, essentially creating an AND condition.

Static restrictions
Declaring restrictions for headers:
const creationHandler = interceptor
    headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

An equivalent alternative using HttpHeaders:

const headers = new HttpHeaders<Partial<UserListHeaders>>();
headers.set('authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);

const creationHandler = interceptor
  .with({ headers })
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const headers = new HttpHeaders<Partial<UserListHeaders>>();
headers.set('authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);

const creationHandler = await interceptor
  .with({ headers })
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
Declaring restrictions for search params:
const creationHandler = interceptor
    searchParams: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    searchParams: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

An equivalent alternative using HttpSearchParams:

const searchParams = new HttpSearchParams<Partial<UserListSearchParams>>();
searchParams.set('username', 'diego-aquino');

const creationHandler = interceptor
  .with({ searchParams })
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const searchParams = new HttpSearchParams<Partial<UserListSearchParams>>();
searchParams.set('username', 'diego-aquino');

const creationHandler = await interceptor
  .with({ searchParams })
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
Declaring restrictions for a JSON body:
const creationHandler = interceptor
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

For JSON bodies to be correctly parsed, make sure that the intercepted requests have the header content-type: application/json.

Declaring restrictions for a form data body:
import { HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

const formData = new HttpFormData<Partial<UserCreationData>>();
formData.append('username', 'diego-aquino');
  new File(['content'], 'profile.png', {
    type: 'image/png',

const creationHandler = interceptor
    body: formData,
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
import { HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

const formData = new HttpFormData<Partial<UserCreationData>>();
formData.append('username', 'diego-aquino');
  new File(['content'], 'profile.png', {
    type: 'image/png',

const creationHandler = await interceptor
    body: formData,
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

For form data bodies to be correctly parsed, make sure that the intercepted requests have the header content-type: multipart/form-data.

Declaring restrictions for a blob body:
const creationHandler = interceptor
    body: new Blob(['content'], {
      type: 'application/octet-stream',
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    body: new Blob(['content'], {
      type: 'application/octet-stream',
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

For blob bodies to be correctly parsed, make sure that the intercepted requests have the header content-type indicating a binary data, such as application/octet-stream, image/png, audio/mp3, etc.

Declaring restrictions for a plain text body:
const creationHandler = interceptor
    body: 'content',
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    body: 'content',
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },

For plain text bodies to be correctly parsed, make sure that the intercepted requests have the header content-type indicating a plain text, such as text/plain.

By default, restrictions use exact: false, meaning that any request containing the declared restrictions will match the handler, regardless of having more properties or values. In the examples above, requests with more properties in the headers, search params, or body would still match the restrictions.

If you want to match only requests with the exact values declared, you can use exact: true:

const creationHandler = interceptor
    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    exact: true, // Only requests with these exact headers and body will match
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
const creationHandler = await interceptor
    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
    exact: true, // Only requests with these exact headers and body will match
    status: 201,
    body: { username: 'diego-aquino' },
Computed restrictions

A function is also supported to declare restrictions in case they are dynamic. Learn more about the request object at Intercepted HTTP resources.

const creationHandler = interceptor
  .with((request) => {
    const accept = request.headers.get('accept');
    return accept !== null && accept.startsWith('application');
    status: 201,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const creationHandler = await interceptor
  .with((request) => {
    const accept = request.headers.get('accept');
    return accept !== null && accept.startsWith('application');
    status: 201,
    body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

The function should return a boolean: true if the request matches the handler and should receive the mock response; false otherwise.

HTTP handler.respond(declaration)

Declares a response to return for matched intercepted requests.

When the handler matches a request, it will respond with the given declaration. The response type is statically validated against the schema of the interceptor.

Static responses
Declaring responses with JSON body:
const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],
Declaring responses with form data body:
import { HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

const formData = new HttpFormData<UserGetByIdData>();
formData.append('username', 'diego-aquino');
  new File(['content'], 'profile.png', {
    type: 'image/png',

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users/:id').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: formData,
import { HttpFormData } from 'zimic';

const formData = new HttpFormData<UserGetByIdData>();
formData.append('username', 'diego-aquino');
  new File(['content'], 'profile.png', {
    type: 'image/png',

const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users/:id').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: formData,
Declaring responses with blob body:
const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: new Blob(['content'], {
    type: 'application/octet-stream',
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: new Blob(['content'], {
    type: 'application/octet-stream',
Declaring responses with plain text body:
const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: 'content',
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: 'content',
Declaring responses with search params (x-www-form-urlencoded) body:
import { HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';

const searchParams = new HttpSearchParams<UserGetByIdSearchParams>({
  username: 'diego-aquino',

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: searchParams,
import { HttpSearchParams } from 'zimic';

const searchParams = new HttpSearchParams<UserGetByIdSearchParams>({
  username: 'diego-aquino',

const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: searchParams,
Computed responses

A function is also supported to declare a response in case it is dynamic. Learn more about the request object at Intercepted HTTP resources.

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond((request) => {
  const username = request.searchParams.get('username');

  if (!username) {
    return { status: 400 };

  return {
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username }],
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond((request) => {
  const username = request.searchParams.get('username');

  if (!username) {
    return { status: 400 };

  return {
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username }],

HTTP handler.bypass()

Clears any response declared with handler.respond(declaration), making the handler stop matching requests. The next handler, created before this one, that matches the same method and path will be used if present. If not, the requests of the method and path will not be intercepted.

To make the handler match requests again, register a new response with handler.respond(declaration).

This method is useful to skip a handler. It is more gentle than handler.clear(), as it only removed the response, keeping restrictions and intercepted requests.

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [],

const otherListHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

// Now, requests GET /users will match `listHandler` and receive an empty array
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [],

const otherListHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

await otherListHandler.bypass();
// Now, requests GET /users will match `listHandler` and receive an empty array

HTTP handler.clear()

Clears any response declared with handler.respond(declaration), restrictions declared with handler.with(restriction), and intercepted requests, making the handler stop matching requests. The next handler, created before this one, that matches the same method and path will be used if present. If not, the requests of the method and path will not be intercepted.

To make the handler match requests again, register a new response with handler.respond().

This method is useful to reset handlers to a clean state between tests. It is more aggressive than handler.bypass(), as it also clears restrictions and intercepted requests.

const listHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [],

const otherListHandler = interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

// Now, requests GET /users will match `listHandler` and receive an empty array

otherListHandler.requests(); // Now empty
const listHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [],

const otherListHandler = await interceptor.get('/users').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: [{ username: 'diego-aquino' }],

await otherListHandler.clear();
// Now, requests GET /users will match `listHandler` and receive an empty array

await otherListHandler.requests(); // Now empty

HTTP handler.requests()

Returns the intercepted requests that matched this handler, along with the responses returned to each of them. This is useful for testing that the correct requests were made by your application. Learn more about the request and response objects at Intercepted HTTP resources.

const updateHandler = interceptor.put('/users/:id').respond((request) => {
  const newUsername = request.body.username;
  return {
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: newUsername }],

await fetch(`http://localhost:3000/users/${1}`, {
  method: 'PUT',
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'new' }),

const updateRequests = await updateHandler.requests();
expect(updateRequests[0].pathParams).toEqual({ id: '1' });
expect(updateRequests[0].body).toEqual({ username: 'new' });
expect(updateRequests[0].response.body).toEqual([{ username: 'new' }]);
const updateHandler = await interceptor.put('/users/:id').respond((request) => {
  const newUsername = request.body.username;
  return {
    status: 200,
    body: [{ username: newUsername }],

await fetch(`http://localhost:3000/users/${1}`, {
  method: 'PUT',
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'new' }),

const updateRequests = await updateHandler.requests();
expect(updateRequests[0].pathParams).toEqual({ id: '1' });
expect(updateRequests[0].body).toEqual({ username: 'new' });
expect(updateRequests[0].response.body).toEqual([{ username: 'new' }]);

Intercepted HTTP resources

The intercepted requests and responses are typed based on their interceptor schema. They are available as simplified objects based on the Request and Response web APIs. body contains the parsed body, while typed headers, path params and search params are in headers, pathParams, and searchParams, respectively.

The body is automatically parsed based on the header content-type of the request or response. The following table shows how each type is parsed, where * indicates any other resource that does not match the previous types:

content-type Parsed to
application/json JSON
application/xml String
application/x-www-form-urlencoded HttpSearchParams
application/* (others) Blob
multipart/form-data HttpFormData
multipart/* (others) Blob
text/* String
image/* Blob
audio/* Blob
font/* Blob
video/* Blob
*/* (others) JSON if possible, otherwise String

If no content-type exists or it is unknown, Zimic tries to parse the body as JSON and falls back to plain text if it fails.

If you need access to the original Request and Response objects, you can use the request.raw property:

console.log(request.raw); // Request{}
console.log(request.response.raw); // Response{}



zimic <command>

  zimic browser  Browser
  zimic server   Interceptor server

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

zimic browser

zimic browser init

Initialize the browser service worker configuration.

zimic browser init <publicDirectory>

  publicDirectory  The path to the public directory of your application.
                                                             [string] [required]

This command is necessary to use Zimic in a browser environment. It creates a mockServiceWorker.js file in the provided public directory, which is used to intercept requests and mock responses.

If you are using Zimic mainly in tests, we recommend adding the mockServiceWorker.js to your .gitignore and adding this command to a postinstall scripts in your package.json. This ensures that the latest service worker script is being used after upgrading Zimic.

zimic server

An interceptor server is a standalone server that can be used to handle requests and return mock responses. It is used in combination with remote interceptors, which declare which responses the server should return for a given request. Interceptor servers and remote interceptors communicate with remote-procedure calls (RPC) over WebSockets.

zimic server start

Start an interceptor server.

zimic server start [-- onReady]

  onReady  A command to run when the server is ready to accept connections.

      --help                    Show help                              [boolean]
      --version                 Show version number                    [boolean]
  -h, --hostname                The hostname to start the server on.
                                                 [string] [default: "localhost"]
  -p, --port                    The port to start the server on.        [number]
  -e, --ephemeral               Whether the server should stop automatically
                                after the on-ready command finishes. If no
                                on-ready command is provided and ephemeral is
                                true, the server will stop immediately after
                                starting.             [boolean] [default: false]
  -l, --log-unhandled-requests  Whether to log a warning when no interceptors
                                were found for the base URL of a request. If an
                                interceptor was matched, the logging behavior
                                for that base URL is configured in the
                                interceptor itself.                    [boolean]

You can use this command to start an independent server:

zimic server start --port 4000

Or as a prefix of another command:

zimic server start --port 4000 --ephemeral -- npm run test

The command after -- will be executed when the server is ready. The flag --ephemeral indicates that the server should automatically stop after the command finishes.

Programmatic usage

The module zimic/server exports resources for managing interceptor servers programmatically. Even though we recommend using the CLI, this module is a valid alternative for more advanced use cases.

import { createInterceptorServer, runCommand } from 'zimic/server';

const server = createInterceptorServer({ hostname: 'localhost', port: 3000 });
await server.start();

// Run a command when the server is ready
const [command, ...commandArguments] = process.argv.slice(3);
await runCommand(command, commandArguments);

await server.stop();

The helper function runCommand is useful to run a shell command in server scripts. The Next.js App Router and the Playwright examples use this function to run the application after the interceptor server is ready and all mocks are set up.


The changelog is available on our GitHub Releases page.