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Beta API Can Change


A small but mighty web components framework/library.

1.5 Breaking Changes

  • Jenie.module replaced with loader and es6 module support

1.4 Breaking Changes

  • Jenie.router.route.componentUrl changed to Jenie.router.route.load
  • Jenie.router.contain removed and changed to Jenie.router.container
  • Jenie.router.external no longer converts to RegExp
  • removed Jenie.component.template as comment.
  • j-on binder events have been moved from Jenie.controller.model to


  • IE10~
  • IE11
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 7
  • Mobile Safari
  • Chrome Android


  • npm install jenie --save
  • UMD dist/jenie.min.js
  • UMD with Web Component Pollyfill dist/jenie.polly.min.js
  • Web Component Pollyfill dist/webcomponents-lite.min.js


        name: 'v-home',
        template: `
            <h1 j-text="title"></h1>
        model: {
            title: 'Old Title'
        created: function () {
            this.model.title = 'New Title';
    http: {
        request: function (opt, xhr) {
            return true; // false will cancel the http.fetch
        response: function (opt, xhr) {
            return true; // false will cancel the http.fetch handlers
    loader: {
        esm: true, // Enables ES6 import export module support
        loads: [
                file: '/components/c-menu.js',
                execute: true // Since this component is not a module/route or imported we must execute.
    router: {
        routes: [
                path: '/',
                title: 'Home',
                component: 'v-home',
                file: 'views/v-home.js'
    <base href="/">
    <script src="jenie.min.js" defer></script>
    <script src="index.js" defer></script>



Returns a new Jenie web component and defines/registers a custom web component.

  • options: Object
    • name: String Required the tag name
    • file: String path to JS component script.
    • template: Element, String, Query Required
    • model: Object<Any> See Jenie.controller.model
    • events: Object<Function> See
    • modifiers: Object<Function> See Jenie.controller.modifiers
    • created: Function Triggered once on creation.
    • attached: Function Triggered on each DOM attachment.
    • detached: Function Triggered on each DOM detachment.
    • attributed: Function Triggered attribute change.


The recommend entry point. This allows you to setup Jenie and automatically starts the router

  • options: Object
    • http: Object Jenie.http options.
    • loader: Object Jenie.loader options.
    • router: Object Jenie.router options.


  • options: Object

    • hash: Boolean Hash URL mode. Default is false.
    • trailing: Boolean Trailing slash. Default is false.
    • external: String, RegExp, Function Filters URL requests. If true or match Router will not handle request.
    • container: Element Sets the event listeners for HREFs to the container. Default is window. Jenie use event delegation.
    • routes: Array
      • route: Object
      • title: String The title for the page.
      • component: String The name of a component.
      • file: Object, String Path or Jenie.loader.load Object to a web component JS file.
        • path: String Any path.
          • parameters: String Named ‘/account/{user}’, or catchalls ‘{*}’,
  • run: Function Must be called after is created

  • redirect: Function Uses window.location.href which is treated like a 301 redirect for SEO.

  • add: Function

    • path: String
  • remove: Function

    • path: String
  • get: Function

    • path: String Exact path matching, route path variables are not taken into account.
  • find: Function Approximate path matching, route path variables are taken into account.

    • path: String
  • navigate: Function Changes to a new page.

    • path: String Path to navigate.
  • on: EventEmitter

    • navigated: Event


ES6 import and export module support. Imports must be absolute from the domain. Also export default is the only export format supported. Please do not use Loader.interpret to handle user input.

  • options: Object
    • esm: Boolean enable es6 module support for scripts.
    • loads: Array<Object, String> Adds load objects or strings such as non route components.
      • load: Object, String
        • file: String Path to a web component JS file.
        • execute: Boolean Enable this to load and define/register custom components.
        • esm: Boolean Similar to Jenie.loader.options this enables es6 module support but on an individual bases.


  • options: Object
    • request: Function Intercepts the request. If the return value is false the fetch will not be triggered.
      • options: Object
      • xhr: Object
    • response: Function Intercepts the request. If the return value is false the fetch success and error will not be triggered.
      • options: Object
      • xhr: Object
    • mime: Object
    • serialize: Function
    • fetch: Function A fetch request.
      • options: Object
        • action: String Resource action url. Required

        • success: Function Required The fetch response.

        • error: Function Required The fetch response.

        • method: String Valid methods get, post, put, delete

        • data: Object If method is GET than data is concatenated to the action/url as parameters.

        • requestType: String Converts the request data before sending.

          • script ‘text/javascript, application/javascript, application/x-javascript’
          • json ‘application/json’ stringify
          • xml ‘application/xml, text/xml’
          • html ‘text/html’
          • text ‘text/plain’
          • DEFAULT ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ serialized
        • responseType: String Converts the response data after sending.

          • script ‘text/javascript, application/javascript, application/x-javascript’
          • json ‘application/json’
          • xml ‘application/xml, text/xml’
          • html ‘text/html’
          • text ‘text/plain’
        • contentType: String Short hand to set the Content-Type Headers. (For request)

        • accept: String Short hand to set the Accept Headers. (For response)

        • mimeType: String Overwrites return type.

        • username: String

        • password: String

        • withCredentials: Boolean

        • headers: Object A low level headers object it will map directly to the XHR header. The Will overwrite any above options.

Jenie.controller(options, callback)

Returns an instance of a new controller.

  • options: Object
    • name
    • view
    • events: Object<Function> j-on-[event name]= binder
    • modifiers: Object<Function> j-[*]=”* | modifier name”
    • model Copies the provided and observes it’s properties. Setting a property to undefined will delete or splice it’s self.
      • Array Object to be observed.
        • splice Triggers the callback.
        • push Triggers the callback.
        • shift Triggers the callback.
        • pop Triggers the callback.
        • unshift Triggers the callback.
      • Object Object to be observed.
        • $remove Function attached deep removes/deletes a property and triggers the callback.
        • $set Function attached deeply sets or adds a new property to be observed triggers the callback.
      • Function Async return of the model. Argument provided resolve(Object: model).
  • callback: Function

A global object for you.

Jenie.query(String: querySelector)

The result of a querySelector in the current document document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector()

  • Returns: document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector()


  • Returns: document.currentScript


  • Returns: document.currentScript.ownerDocument


Alexander Elias - AlexanderElias


This project is licensed under the MPL-2.0 License - Why You Should Cheose MPL-2.0