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This project provides deno bindings for webview using the webview rust bindings. Webview is a tiny cross-platform library to render web-based GUIs for desktop applications. This project is still in an early stage of development and stability is sometimes questionable. The plugin should be compatible with MacOS, Linux and Windows. It has been tested on Windows and Xubuntu where it worked as expected using the latest versions of deno. The current goal of deno_webview is to provide high quality bindings to webview for creating light cross-platform applications using web technologies.

Example image


Run the following with the -A flag enabled to get the example shown above:

import { WebView } from "";

const webview1 = new WebView({
    title: "Multiple deno_webview example",
    url: `data:text/html,
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    resizable: true,
    debug: true,
    frameless: false

const webview2 = new WebView({
    title: "Multiple deno_webview example",
    url: `data:text/html,
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    resizable: true,
    debug: true,
    frameless: false

await Promise.all([,]);

or just run the following in the terminal:

deno -A


Docs can also be found here.


A WebView instance

  • WebView.constructor(args: { title?: string; url?: string; width?: number; height?: number; resizable?: boolean; debug?: boolean; frameless?: boolean; }): WebView
    • Creates a new WebView instance
  • Promise
    • Runs the event loop to completion
  • WebView.step(): boolean
    • Iterates the event loop and returns false if the the WebView has been closed
  • WebView.exit(): Void
    • Exits the WebView
  • WebView.eval(js: string): Void
    • Evaluates the provided js code in the WebView
  • WebView.setColor(color: { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number; }): Void
    • Sets the color of the title bar to the provided RGBA value
  • WebView.setTitle(title: string): Void
    • Sets the window title
  • WebView.setFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): Void
    • Enables or disables fullscreen



For building deno_webview the same prerequisites as for building deno is required (mostly).


  • webkit2gtk (to install using apt: sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev)


To clone the repo simply run the following:

git clone

and then cd into the repo:

cd deno_webview


Building deno_webview takes about 20-50 minutes the first time (then like a minute) depending on your operating system. When building on Windows admin is required. Building is easiest done by running:

deno -A scripts/build.ts


cargo build --release --locked

optionally with mshtml

deno -A scripts/build.ts mshtml


cargo build --release --locked --no-default-features


To run deno_webview without automatically downloading the binaries from releases you will need to use the enviornment variable DEV and set it to the path where the binaries are located. This is usually file://./target/release. The process of running a using local binaries can be easier to do using the dev script:

deno -A scripts/dev.ts example.ts

Environment variables

  • DEV - When developing locally DEV should be set to the local release path, usually file://./target/release
  • MSHTML - Due to MSHTML (ie) no longer being enabled by default the only way to enable it is to set the MSHTML variable to the path of a binary build built with the --no-default-features flag or using deno -A scripts/build.ts mshtml


Contributions either in the form of pull requests or issues are always welcome. Just remember to format using deno -A scripts/fmt.ts (deno fmt and cargo fmt). Thx <3





  • Implement all most webview instance methods
  • Docs
  • Multiple windows/instances? (Help, need to create a static HashMap of *mut CWebView) Used solution found here
  • Better errors and responses from rust land
  • Update ci so building with Edge works #3
  • Two-way deno bindings (to call deno from javascript)
  • More examples
  • Tests (unsure of how though)
  • Wait for the rust bindings to update to the latest webview api.
    • Polyfill for new API?