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NPM: @hexagon\webauthn | webauthn

Slim Webauthn library with ES6, Node and Deno support. Heavily based on fido2-lib, but with itā€™s own set of pros (and cons).

Currently in pre-release

Node.js CI Deno CI npm version NPM Downloads MIT License jsdelivr

Demo/Example for both Deno and Node available at

Pros, compared to fido2-lib

  • Supports both Node and Deno with the same code base
  • Simplified dependency tree. Less duplicates, and less dependencies overall.
  • ToDo: Make this list complete with explanations

Cons, compared to fido2-lib

  • Lacks all Attestation-modes except ā€œnoneā€
  • Lacks MDS
  • All automated tests of fido2-lib isnā€™t implemented
  • This library should be considered experimental, in comparison.



npm install @hexagon/webauthn --save


// ESM Import ...
import webauthn from "@hexagon/webauthn";

// ... or CommonJS Require
const webauthn = require("@hexagon/webauthn");


import webauthn from "@hexagon/webauthn";

// ...



import webauthn from "";

// ...


import { webauthn } from "";

// ...


Full documentation available at


Assuming you have imported webauthn as described under ā€˜Installationā€™.

@hexagon/webauthn uses the same interface as fido2-lib

Examples from

Instantiate Library (Simple):

// create a new instance of the library
var f2l = new Webauthn();

Instantiate Library (Complex):

// could also use one or more of the options below,
// which just makes the options calls easier later on:
var f2l = new Fido2Lib({
    timeout: 42,
    rpId: "",
    rpName: "ACME",
    rpIcon: "",
    challengeSize: 128,
    attestation: "none",
    cryptoParams: [-7, -257],
    authenticatorAttachment: "platform",
    authenticatorRequireResidentKey: false,
    authenticatorUserVerification: "required"


var registrationOptions = await f2l.attestationOptions();

// make sure to add
// save the challenge in the session information...
// send registrationOptions to client and pass them in to `navigator.credentials.create()`...
// get response back from client (clientAttestationResponse)

var attestationExpectations = {
    challenge: "33EHav-jZ1v9qwH783aU-j0ARx6r5o-YHh-wd7C6jPbd7Wh6ytbIZosIIACehwf9-s6hXhySHO-HHUjEwZS29w",
    origin: "https://localhost:8443",
    factor: "either"
var regResult = await f2l.attestationResult(clientAttestationResponse, attestationExpectations); // will throw on error

// registration complete!
// save publicKey and counter from regResult to user's info for future authentication calls


var authnOptions = await f2l.assertionOptions();

// add allowCredentials to limit the number of allowed credential for the authentication process. For further details refer to webauthn specs: (
// save the challenge in the session information...
// send authnOptions to client and pass them in to `navigator.credentials.get()`...
// get response back from client (clientAssertionResponse)

var assertionExpectations = {
    // Remove the following comment if allowCredentials has been added into authnOptions so the credential received will be validate against allowCredentials array.
    // allowCredentials: [{
    //     id: "lTqW8H/lHJ4yT0nLOvsvKgcyJCeO8LdUjG5vkXpgO2b0XfyjLMejRvW5oslZtA4B/GgkO/qhTgoBWSlDqCng4Q==",
    //     type: "public-key",
    //     transports: ["usb"]
    // }],
    challenge: "eaTyUNnyPDDdK8SNEgTEUvz1Q8dylkjjTimYd5X7QAo-F8_Z1lsJi3BilUpFZHkICNDWY8r9ivnTgW7-XZC3qQ",
    origin: "https://localhost:8443",
    factor: "either",
    publicKey: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" +
        "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAERez9aO2wBAWO54MuGbEqSdWahSnG\n" +
        "MAg35BCNkaE3j8Q+O/ZhhKqTeIKm7El70EG6ejt4sg1ZaoQ5ELg8k3ywTg==\n" +
        "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
    prevCounter: 362
var authnResult = await f2l.assertionResult(clientAssertionResponse, assertionExpectations); // will throw on error

// authentication complete!

Full demo for both Deno and Node available at


See Contribution Guide for general guidelines.


Node commands

Command Description
npm run build Run all sort of node checks, good before comitting
npm run build:docs Rebuild documentation, good before releasing
npm run test Run Node tests, good after code changes
npm run test:coverage Run Node tests with coverage (included in build)
npm run test:lint Run eslint (included in build)
npm run test:lint:fix Run eslint try to fix linting errors
npm run test:lint:fix Run eslint try to fix linting errors

Deno commands

Command Description
deno fmt --check test/deno src/deno Check linting of Deno files
npm run test:lint Check linting of Deno files
deno test test/deno Run deno tests
npm run test:deno .. or Run deno tests

File structure

Path Description
/src/common Source code base folder
/src/common/attestation Attestation plug-ins
/src/common/tools Bundled dependencies
/src/deno/webauthn.js Deno entrypoint
/src/deno/toolbox.js Deno external dependencies and shims
/src/node/webauthn.js Node entrypoint
/src/node/toolbox.js Node external dependencies and shims
/test/node Node tests
/test/deno Deno tests
/docs Documentation


The underlying code is heavily based on
