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Alternative to ReadableStream, WritableStream and TransformStream.

This library introduces 3 classes: RdStream, WrStream and TrStream, that can be used in place of ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, WritableStream<Uint8Array> and TransformStream<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>.

This library reimplements ReadableStream, WritableStream and TransformStream in the fashion that the author of this library likes. The style of this library is to reuse buffers, and not to transfer buffers.

This library requires to implement only a simple interface to create stream of bytes. Here is such interface that any object can implement to provide to others a readable byte-stream:

interface Source
{	/** Reads up to `p.byteLength` bytes into `p`. It resolves to the number of
        bytes read (`0` < `n` <= `p.byteLength`) and rejects if any error
        encountered. Even if `read()` resolves to `n` < `p.byteLength`, it may
        use all of `p` as scratch space during the call. If some data is
        available but not `p.byteLength` bytes, `read()` conventionally resolves
        to what is available instead of waiting for more.

        When `read()` encounters end-of-file condition, it resolves to EOF

        When `read()` encounters an error, it rejects with an error.

        Callers should always process the `n` > `0` bytes returned before
        considering the EOF (`null`). Doing so correctly handles I/O errors that
        happen after reading some bytes and also both of the allowed EOF

        Implementations should not retain a reference to `p`.
    read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number|null>;

Implementing this interface is enough, however this is only a subset of the full Source interface that is shown below.

Example of how you can implement it:

const rdStream = new RdStream
(	{	async read(p)
        {	// ...
            // Load data to `p`
            // ...
            return p.byteLength; // or less

// now use `rdStream` as you would use an instance of ReadableStream<Uint8Array>

And the following interface is for writeable streams:

interface Sink
{	/** Writes `p.byteLength` bytes from `p` to the underlying data stream. It
        resolves to the number of bytes written from `p` (`0` <= `n` <=
        `p.byteLength`) or reject with the error encountered that caused the
        write to stop early. `write()` must reject with a non-null error if
        would resolve to `n` < `p.byteLength`. `write()` must not modify the
        slice data, even temporarily.

        Implementations should not retain a reference to `p`.
    write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number>;


const wrStream = new WrStream
(	{	async write(p)
        {	// ...
            // Write `p` somewhere
            // ...
            return p.byteLength; // or less

// now use `wrStream` as you would use an instance of WritableStream<Uint8Array>

Differences from ReadableStream, WritableStream and TransformStream

  • No controllers concept.
  • BYOB-agnostic. Data consumer can use BYOB or regular reading mode, and thereā€™s no need of handling these situations differently.
  • No transferring buffers that you pass to, so the buffers remain usable after the call.

Additional features:

  • reader.cancel() and writer.abort() work also on locked streams.
  • getReader() and getWriter() have getReaderWhenReady() and getWriterWhenReady() counterparts, that wait for reader/writer to be unlocked.
  • values(), tee(), pipeTo() and pipeThrough() are present in both RdStream and Reader.
  • Also RdStream and Reader have additional methods: uint8Array(), text() and unread().
  • pipeTo() and pipeThrough() are restartable (transform() can close itā€™s writer, and then the rest of the input stream can be piped to elsewhere).
  • Reader and Writer implement Symbol.dispose that releases the lock.
  • WrStream has ā€œflushā€ feature.

Exported classes and types

import {RdStream, Source} from '';
import {WrStream, Sink} from '';
import {TrStream, Transformer} from '';
import {TooBigError} from '';

class RdStream

This class extends ReadableStream<Uint8Array>.

An instance can be created from Source definition (object that has read() method):

const rdStream = new RdStream
(	{	async read(p)
        {	// ...
            // Load data to `p`
            // ...
            return p.byteLength; // or less

For example Deno.stdin implements read():

const rdStream = new RdStream(Deno.stdin);

Or it can be created as wrapper on existing ReadableStream object. Here is another way of creating RdStream that reads from stdin:

const rdStream = RdStream.from(Deno.stdin.readable);

Now rdStream and Deno.stdin.readable are the same by the means of ReadableStream (both have getReader()), but RdStream also has features that ReadableStream doesnā€™t have. For example text() function:

console.log(await rdStream.text());

Creating RdStream from read() implementors (like new RdStream(Deno.stdin)) is preferrable (because it works faster) than creating from another streams (like RdStream.from(Deno.stdin.readable)). However note that Deno.stdin also implements close(), so the file descriptor will be closed after reading to the end. To prevent this, use:

const rdStream = new RdStream({read: p =>});

RdStream.from() also allows to create RdStream instances from iterable objects that yield Uint8Array items (see RdStream.from()).


The following example demonstrates readable stream that streams the string provided to itā€™s constructor.

import {RdStream} from '';

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder;

/**	Readable stream, compatible with `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>`, that streams the string provided to it's constructor.
class StringStreamer extends RdStream
{	constructor(str='')
    {	let data = textEncoder.encode(str);
        (	{	read(view)
                {	const n = Math.min(view.byteLength, data.byteLength);
                    view.set(data.subarray(0, n));
                    data = data.subarray(n);
                    return n;

// Write word "Hello" to stdout
await new StringStreamer('Hello\n').pipeTo(Deno.stdout.writable);


function RdStream.constructor(source: Source);

type Source =
{	/**	When auto-allocating (reading in non-byob mode) will pass to {@link} buffers of at most this size.
        If undefined or non-positive number, a predefined default value (like 32 KiB) is used.
    autoAllocateChunkSize?: number;

    /**	When auto-allocating (reading in non-byob mode) will not call `read()` with buffers smaller than this.
        First i'll allocate `autoAllocateChunkSize` bytes, and if `read()` callback fills in only a small part of them
        (so there're >= `autoAllocateMin` unused bytes in the buffer), i'll reuse that part of the buffer in next `read()` calls.
    autoAllocateMin?: number;

    /**	This callback is called immediately during `RdStream` object creation.
        When it's promise resolves, i start to call `read()` to pull data as response to ``.
        Only one call is active at each moment, and next calls wait for previous calls to complete.

        At the end one of `close()`, `cancel(reason)` or `catch(error)` is called.
        - `close()` is called if `read()` returned EOF (`0` or `null`).
        - `cancel()` if caller called `rdStream.cancel(reason)` or `reader.cancel(reason)`.
        - `catch()` if `read()` thrown exception or returned a rejected promise.

        And the very last step is to call `finally()`, and if it thrown also to call `catch()` (again?).
    start?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	This method is called to pull data from input source to a Uint8Array object provied to it.
        The object provided is never empty.
        The function is expected to load available data to the view, and to return number of bytes loaded.
        On EOF it's expected to return `0` or `null`.
        This callback is called as response to user request for data, and it's never called before such request.
    read(view: Uint8Array): number | null | PromiseLike<number|null>;

    /**	This method is called when {@link} returns `0` or `null` that indicate EOF.
        After that, no more callbacks are called (except `catch()`).
        If you use `Deno.Reader & Deno.Closer` as source, that source will be closed when read to the end without error.
    close?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	Is called as response to `rdStream.cancel()` or `reader.cancel()`.
        After that, no more callbacks are called (except `catch()`).
        If this callback is not set, the default behavior is to read and discard the stream to the end.
    cancel?(reason: any): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	Is called when `start()`, `read()`, `close()` or `cancel()` thrown exception or returned a rejected promise.
        After that, no more callbacks are called.
        Exceptions in `catch()` are silently ignored.
    catch?(reason: any): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	Is called when the stream is finished in either way.
    finally?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

RdStream instances are constructed from Source objects, that have definition of how data stream is generated.

If thereā€™s start() method, it gets called immediately, even before the constructor returns, to let the stream generator to initialize itself. If start() returned Promise, this Promise is awaited before calling read() for the first time.

The only mandatory Source method is read(). This method is called each time data is requested from the stream by consumer. Calls to read() are sequential, and new call doesnā€™t begin untill previous call is finished (itā€™s promise is fulfilled). When read() is called it must load bytes to provided buffer, and return number of bytes loaded. To indicate EOF it can return either 0 or null. It can return result asynchronously (Promise object) or synchronously (number or null result).

Stream consumer can read the stream in regular or ā€œBYOBā€ mode. In BYOB, the consumer provides itā€™s own buffer, which is passed to read(). This buffer can be of any non-zero size. In regular mode a buffer of at least autoAllocateMin bytes is allocated (and passed to read()). The maximum auto-allocated buffer size is autoAllocateChunkSize.

When read() returned EOF (0 or null), close() gets called to finalize the stream generator.

If read() thrown exception, catch() is called instead of close(). Also if read() successfully returned EOF, but then close() thrown exception, catch() is also called.

Stream consumer can decide to cancel the stream by calling rdStream.cancel() or reader.cancel(). In this case cancel() callback gets called. This is the only callback that can be called in the middle of read() work, when asynchronous read() didnā€™t return, so it can tell read() to return earlier. If cancel() thrown exception, catch() is called as the last action.


  • locked
readonly RdStream.locked: boolean;

When somebody wants to start reading this stream, he calls rdStream.getReader(), and after that call the stream becomes locked. Future calls to rdStream.getReader() will throw error till the reader is released (reader.releaseLock()).

Other operations that read the stream (like rdStream.pipeTo()) also lock it (internally they get reader, and release it later).

  • isClosed
readonly RdStream.isClosed: boolean;

Becomes true when the stream is read to the end, or after cancel() was called.


  • getReader
function RdStream.getReader(options?: {mode?: undefined}): ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array> & Reader;
function RdStream.getReader(options: {mode: 'byob'}): ReadableStreamBYOBReader & Reader;

Returns object that allows to read data from the stream. The stream becomes locked till this reader is released by calling reader.releaseLock() or reader[Symbol.dispose]().

If the stream is already locked, this method throws error.

  • getReaderWhenReady
function RdStream.getReaderWhenReady(options?: {mode?: undefined}): Promise<ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array> & Reader>;
function RdStream.getReaderWhenReady(options: {mode: 'byob'}): Promise<ReadableStreamBYOBReader & Reader>;

Like rdStream.getReader(), but waits for the stream to become unlocked before returning the reader (and so locking it again).

  • cancel
function RdStream.cancel(reason?: any): Promise<void>;

Interrupt current reading operation (reject the promise that returned, if any), and tell to discard further data in the stream. This leads to calling source.cancel(reason), even if current didnā€™t finish. source.cancel() must implement the actual behavior on how to discard further data, and finalize the source, as no more callbacks will be called.

In contrast to ReadableStream.cancel(), this method works even if the stream is locked.

  • unread
function RdStream.unread(chunk: Uint8Array): void;

Push chunk to the stream, so next read will get it. This creates internal buffer, and copies the chunk contents to it.

  • [Symbol.asyncIterator], values
function RdStream[Symbol.asyncIterator](options?: {preventCancel?: boolean});
function RdStream.values(options?: {preventCancel?: boolean});

Allows to iterate this stream yielding Uint8Array data chunks.

Usually you want to use for await...of to iterate.

for await (const chunk of rdStream)
{	// ...

Itā€™s also possible to iterate manually. In this case you need to be ā€œusingā€ the iterator, or to call releaseLock() explicitly.

using it = rdStream.values();
while (true)
{	const {value, done} = await;
    if (done)
    {	break;
    // ...

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

  • tee
function RdStream.tee(options?: {requireParallelRead?: boolean}): [RdStream, RdStream];

Splits the stream to 2, so the rest of the data can be read from both of the resulting streams.

If youā€™ll read from one stream faster than from another, or will not read at all from one of them, the default behavior is to buffer the data.

If requireParallelRead option is set, the buffering will be disabled, and parent stream will suspend after each item, till itā€™s read by both of the child streams. In this case if you read and await from the first stream, without previously starting reading from the second, this will cause a deadlock situation.

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

  • pipeTo
function RdStream.pipeTo(dest: WritableStream<Uint8Array>, options?: PipeOptions): Promise<void>;

type PipeOptions =
{	/**	Don't close `dest` when this readable stream reaches EOF.
    preventClose?: boolean;

    /**	Don't abort `dest` when this readable stream enters error state.
    preventAbort?: boolean;

    /**	Don't cancel this readable stream, if couldn't write to `dest`.
    preventCancel?: boolean;

    /**	Allows to interrupt piping operation.
        The same effect can be reached by aborting the `dest` writable stream.
    signal?: AbortSignal;

Pipe data from this stream to dest writable stream (that can be built-in WritableStream<Uint8Array> or WrStream).

If the data is piped to EOF without error, the source readable stream is closed as usual (close() callback is called on Source), and the writable stream will be closed unless preventClose option is set.

If destination closes or enters error state, then pipeTo() throws exception. But then pipeTo() can be called again to continue piping the rest of the input stream to another destination (including the chunk that previous pipeTo() failed to write).

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

  • pipeThrough
function RdStream.pipeThrough<T, W extends WritableStream<Uint8Array>, R extends ReadableStream<T>>
(	transform:
    {	readonly writable: W;
        readonly readable: R;
    options?: PipeOptions
): R;

Uses rdStream.pipeTo() to pipe the data to transformerā€™s writable stream, and returns transformerā€™s readable stream.

The transformer can be an instance of built-in TransformStream<Uint8Array, unknown>, TrStream, or any other object that implements the Transform interface (has writable/readable pair).

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

  • uint8Array
function RdStream.uint8Array(options?: {lengthLimit?: number}): Promise<Uint8Array>;

Reads the whole stream to memory.

If lengthLimit is specified (and is positive number), and the stream happens to be bigger than this number, a TooBigError exception is thrown.

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

  • text
function RdStream.text(label?: string, options?: TextDecoderOptions & {lengthLimit?: number}): Promise<string>;

Reads the whole stream to memory, and converts it to string, just as TextDecoder.decode() does.

If lengthLimit is specified (and is positive number), and the stream happens to be bigger than this number, a TooBigError exception is thrown.

If the stream is locked, this method throws error. However you can do getReaderWhenReady(), and call identical method on the reader.

Static methods:

  • from
static function RdStream.from<R>(source: AsyncIterable<R> | Iterable<R | PromiseLike<R>>): ReadableStream<R> & RdStream

Constructs RdStream from an iterable of Uint8Array. Note that ReadableStream<Uint8Array> is also iterable of Uint8Array, so it can be converted to RdStream, and the resulting RdStream will be a wrapper on it.

If you have data source that implements both ReadableStream<Uint8Array> and Deno.Reader, itā€™s more efficient to create wrapper from Deno.Reader by calling the RdStream constructor.

// Create from `Deno.Reader`. This is preferred.
const file1 = await'/etc/passwd');
const rdStream1 = new RdStream(file1); // `file1` is `Deno.Reader`
console.log(await rdStream1.text());

// Create from `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>`.
const file2 = await'/etc/passwd');
const rdStream2 = RdStream.from(file2.readable); // `file2.readable` is `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>`
console.log(await rdStream2.text());

class WrStream

This class extends WritableStream<Uint8Array>.


import {WrStream} from '';

const EMPTY_CHUNK = new Uint8Array;

/**	Writable stream that accumulates data to string result.
class StringSink extends WrStream
{	value = '';

    {	const decoder = new TextDecoder;
        (	{	write: chunk =>
                {	this.value += decoder.decode(chunk, {stream: true});
                    return chunk.byteLength;

                {	decoder.decode(EMPTY_CHUNK); // this is required to free the `decoder` resource

    {	return this.value;

// Create sink
const sink = new StringSink;

// Start downloading some HTML page
const resp = await fetch('');

// Pipe the HTML stream to the sink
await resp.body?.pipeTo(sink);

// Print the result


function WrStream.constructor(sink: Sink);

type Sink =
{	/**	This callback is called immediately during `WrStream` object creation.
        When it's promise resolves, i start to call `write()` as response to `writer.write()`.
        Only one call is active at each moment, and next calls wait for previous calls to complete.

        At the end one of `close()`, `abort(reason)` or `catch(error)` is called.
        - `close()` if caller called `writer.close()` to terminate the stream.
        - `abort()` if caller called `wrStream.abort(reason)` or `writer.abort(reason)`.
        - `catch()` if `write()` thrown exception or returned a rejected promise.

        And the very last step is to call `finally()`, and if it thrown also to call `catch()` (again?).
    start?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	WrStream calls this callback to ask it to write a chunk of data to the destination that it's managing.
        The callback can process the writing completely or partially, and it must return number of bytes processed
        (how many bytes from the beginning of the chunk are written).
        If it processed only a part, the rest of the chunk, and probably additional bytes,
        will be passed to the next call to `write()`.
        This callback must not return 0.
    write(chunk: Uint8Array): number | PromiseLike<number>;

    /**	This method is called as response to `writer.flush()`.
        If this writer implements buffering, this callback is expected to send the buffer contents.
    flush?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	This method is called as response to `writer.close()`.
        After that, no more callbacks are called.
    close?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	This method is called as response to `wrStream.abort(reason)` or `writer.abort(reason)`.
        After that, no more callbacks are called.
    abort?(reason: any): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	This method is called when {@link Sink.write} thrown exception or returned a rejected promise.
        After that, no more callbacks are called.
        Exceptions in `catch()` are silently ignored.
    catch?(reason: any): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	Is called when the stream is finished in either way.
    finally?(): void | PromiseLike<void>;

In the Sink write() is mandatory method. It can return result asynchronously (Promise object) or synchronously (number result).


  • locked
readonly WrStream.locked: boolean;

When somebody wants to start writing to this stream, he calls wrStream.getWriter(), and after that call the stream becomes locked. Future calls to wrStream.getWriter() will throw error till the writer is released (writer.releaseLock()).

Other operations that write to the stream (like wrStream.write()) also lock it (internally they get writer, and release it later).

  • isClosed
readonly WrStream.isClosed: boolean;

Becomes true after close() or abort() was called.


  • getWriter
function WrStream.getWriter(): WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array> & Writer;

Returns object that allows to write data to the stream. The stream becomes locked till this writer is released by calling writer.releaseLock() or writer[Symbol.dispose]().

If the stream is already locked, this method throws error.

  • getWriterWhenReady
function WrStream.getWriterWhenReady(): Promise<WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array> & Writer>;

Like wrStream.getWriter(), but waits for the stream to become unlocked before returning the writer (and so locking it again).

  • abort
function WrStream.abort(reason?: any): Promise<void>;

Interrupt current writing operation (reject the promise that writer.write() returned, if any), and set the stream to error state. This leads to calling sink.abort(reason), even if current sink.write() didnā€™t finish. sink.abort() is expected to interrupt or complete all the current operations, and finalize the sink, as no more callbacks will be called.

In contrast to WritableStream.abort(), this method works even if the stream is locked.

  • close
function WrStream.close(): Promise<void>;

Calls sink.close(). After that no more callbacks will be called. If close() called again on already closed stream, nothing happens (no error is thrown).

  • write
function WrStream.write(chunk: Uint8Array|string): Promise<void>;

Waits for the stream to be unlocked, gets writer (locks the stream), writes the chunk, and then releases the writer (unlocks the stream). This is the same as doing:

{	using writer = await wrStream.getWriterWhenReady();
    await writer.write(chunk);
  • flush
function WrStream.flush(): Promise<void>;

Waits for the stream to be unlocked, gets writer (locks the stream), flushes the stream, and then releases the writer (unlocks the stream). This is the same as doing:

{	using writer = await wrStream.getWriterWhenReady();
    await writer.flush();

class TrStream

This class extends TransformStream<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>.


The following example demonstrates TrStream that encloses the input in "-quotes, and inserts \ chars before each " or \ in the input, and converts ASCII CR and LF to \r and \n respectively.

import {RdStream, TrStream} from '';

// StringStreamer:

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder;

/**	Readable stream, compatible with `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>`, that streams the string provided to it's constructor.
class StringStreamer extends RdStream
{	constructor(str='')
    {	let data = textEncoder.encode(str);
        (	{	read(view)
                {	const n = Math.min(view.byteLength, data.byteLength);
                    view.set(data.subarray(0, n));
                    data = data.subarray(n);
                    return n;

// Escaper:

const C_SLASH = '\\'.charCodeAt(0);
const C_QUOT = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
const C_CR = '\r'.charCodeAt(0);
const C_LF = '\n'.charCodeAt(0);
const C_R = 'r'.charCodeAt(0);
const C_N = 'n'.charCodeAt(0);

const QUOT_ARR = new Uint8Array([C_QUOT]);

/**	Transforms stream by enclosing it in `"`-quotes, and inserting `\` chars before each `"` or `\` in the input,
    and converts ASCII CR and LF to `\r` and `\n` respectively.
class Escaper extends TrStream
{	constructor()
    {	super
        (	{	async start(writer)
                {	await writer.write(QUOT_ARR);

                async transform(writer, chunk)
                {	const len = chunk.byteLength;
                    let pos = 0;
                    let cAfterSlash = 0;
                    for (let i=0; i<len; i++)
                    {	switch (chunk[i])
                        {	case C_SLASH:
                                cAfterSlash = C_SLASH;
                            case C_QUOT:
                                cAfterSlash = C_QUOT;
                            case C_CR:
                                cAfterSlash = C_R;
                            case C_LF:
                                cAfterSlash = C_N;
                        const iPlusOne = i + 1;
                        if (iPlusOne < len)
                        {	const tmp = chunk[iPlusOne];
                            chunk[i] = C_SLASH;
                            chunk[iPlusOne] = cAfterSlash;
                            await writer.write(chunk.subarray(pos, iPlusOne+1));
                            chunk[iPlusOne] = tmp;
                            pos = iPlusOne;
                        {	chunk[i] = C_SLASH;
                            await writer.write(chunk.subarray(pos)); // write the string with `\` in place of the last char
                            chunk[i] = cAfterSlash;
                            await writer.write(chunk.subarray(i)); // write `cAfterSlash` after the slash
                            return len;
                    await writer.write(chunk.subarray(pos));
                    return len;

                async flush(writer)
                {	await writer.write(QUOT_ARR);

// Write escaped string to stdout
await new StringStreamer('Unquoted "quoted"\n').pipeThrough(new Escaper).pipeTo(Deno.stdout.writable);

The following example demonstrates how TrStream can pass (or transform) only a part of its input stream, and then stop. The output stream that pipeThrough() produces will terminate, but then itā€™s possible to pipe the rest of the input stream with second pipeThrough() or pipeTo(), or just to read it with text().

import {RdStream, WrStream, TrStream} from '';

// StringStreamer:

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder;

/**	Readable stream, compatible with `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>`, that streams the string provided to it's constructor.
class StringStreamer extends RdStream
{	constructor(str='')
    {	let data = textEncoder.encode(str);
        (	{	read(view)
                {	const n = Math.min(view.byteLength, data.byteLength);
                    view.set(data.subarray(0, n));
                    data = data.subarray(n);
                    return n;

// CopyOneToken:

const C_SPACE = ' '.charCodeAt(0);

/**	Passes through the input stream till first SPACE character, and closes the output.
class CopyOneToken extends TrStream
{	constructor()
    {	super
        (	{	async transform(writer, chunk)
                {	const len = chunk.byteLength;
                    for (let i=0; i<len; i++)
                    {	if (chunk[i] == C_SPACE)
                        {	await writer.write(chunk.subarray(0, i));
                            await writer.close();
                            return i + 1;
                    await writer.write(chunk);
                    return len;

// Wrap stdout
const stdout = new WrStream(Deno.stdout);
// Create tokens stream
const tokens = new StringStreamer('One Two Three Four');
// Print the first token ("One")
console.log('Print first token:');
await tokens.pipeThrough(new CopyOneToken).pipeTo(stdout, {preventClose: true});
// Print the second token ("Two")
console.log('\nPrint second token:');
await tokens.pipeThrough(new CopyOneToken).pipeTo(stdout, {preventClose: true});
// Print the rest of the tokens stream ("Three Four")
console.log('\nRest: '+await tokens.text());


function TrStream.constructor(transformer: Transformer);

type Transformer =
{	// properties:

    /**	This callback is called immediately during `TrStream` object creation.
        When it's promise resolves, i start to call `transform()` to transform data chunks.
        Only one call is active at each moment, and next calls wait for previous calls to complete.

        When the whole input stream is converted without an error, `flush()` is called, as the last action.
        If `start()` or `transform()` throw error, this error is propagated to the output stream,
        and no more callbacks are called.
    start?(writer: Writer): void | PromiseLike<void>;

    /**	During stream transformation this callback gets called for chunks (pieces) of incoming data.
        This callback is expected to transform the data as needed, and to write the result to a `writer`
        provided to it.
        Each input chunk can be of any non-zero size.
        If this callback cannot decide how to transform current chunk, and `canReturnZero` is true,
        it can return 0, and then this callback will be called again with a larger chunk,
        or the caller will discover that this was the last chunk, and next time will call
        `transform()` with the same chunk and `!canReturnZero`.
        In order to provide a larger chunk, the caller of this callback may be required to reallocate (grow) it's internal buffer.
    transform(writer: Writer, chunk: Uint8Array, canReturnZero: boolean): number | PromiseLike<number>;

    /**	At last, when the whole stream was transformed, this callback is called.
    flush?(writer: Writer): void | PromiseLike<void>;


  • writable
readonly TrStream.writable: WrStream;

Input for the original stream. All the bytes written here will be transformed by this object, and will be available for reading from TrStream.readable.

  • readable
readonly TrStream.readable: RdStream;

Outputs the transformed stream.