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deno desktop wallpaper application


  • linux, X11. Mac support is WIP
  • deno >= v1.124.0
  • xsetroot, mpv (for live wallpapers)
  • feh (for static wallpapers)


deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env=HOME --allow-run --no-prompt -f wallpal.ts


# initialize a config
wallpal init

# start the daemon
wallpal daemon
# optionally, send it commands from a different terminal
wallpal next
wallpal prev
wallpal refresh

i3 Configuration

Personally, I use this script as a wallpaper cycler for my i3 desktop. The my ~/.config/i3/config looks something like this:

# start wallpal upon login
exec --no-startup-id wallpal daemon

# quickly move to the next/prev wallpaper with Win+Alt+Left and Win+Alt+Right
bindsym $mod+Mod1+Left exec wallpal prev
bindsym $mod+Mod1+Right exec wallpal next