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Vala Framework for Deno JS

Fast, simple, minimalist web framework for Deno.

import { Application } from "";
const app = new Application();
await app.serve({port: 8000})


  • Server written 100% for Native Deno
  • Decorators for handling controllers, events, services and routes
  • File upload features
  • Methods for working with events
  • Methods for encryption and security algorithms
  • Environment Variables
  • Middlewares
  • Serve static files

The main idea of vala is to allow development quickly, easily and simply.

Import the module

We import vala from its url

import { Application } from "";

Starting the server

We started our first server.

import { Application } from "";
const app = new Application();
await app.serve({port:4242})


The controllers in vala are in charge of handling the routes and their methods, then we will create a new controller and register it on our server.

// MyController.ts
import { Context, Controller, Get, Post } from "";

@Controller('') // we indicate the initial path
class MyController {
    @Get('/') // We indicate the route for this method
    async myMethod(ctx:Context){
        return await ctx.response.json({message:"Hello world"});
    @Get('/params/:id') // We indicate a route with parameters
    async myMethod2(ctx:Context){
        return await ctx.response.json({});
    @Post('/data') // We indicate a route of type post
    async myMethod3(ctx:Context){
        const data = ctx.request.body;
            return await ctx.response.json({data:data});    
        } else {
            return await ctx.response.json({err:"Error"}, {status:500});

// export controller
export default MyController;

We already have our first controller created, it’s time to register it in the application, for this we go to our main file and register it.

import { Application } from "";
// import controller
import MyController from './MyController.ts'
const app = new Application();
// We register the controller

await app.serve({port:4242})

From now on we have the following APIs available

Method url
GET /params/:id
POST /data


Basically, the context is an object that stores the request and the response methods of the request.

// example

ctx = {
    request, // Object of the request
    response, // Object of the response
    body, // Object with the request body
    files, // Object with the request files
    headers, // Object with the request headers
    query, // Object with the request query URL
    params, // Object with the request parameters

ctx.response = {
    json, // Method that returns a json as response (ex: ctx.response.json({msg:"vala"})) 
    text, // Method that returns a string as response (ex: ctx.response.text("vala")
    send // Method that returns a Response object as a response (ex: ctx.response.send(new Request(""))

Some methods of Vala

upload files:

import { Vala } from "";

read environment variables:

import { Vala } from "";
// .env file

Sign with HMAC SHA-256:

import { Vala } from "";
const signature = await"SECRET_KEY","MESSAGE");

Generate UUID:

import { Vala } from "";
const UUID = await;


Vala allows to work with events, for this we can register an event class or we can also use the event decorator in our. controllers, we see some examples

// MyEvents.ts
import { Event } from "";
// example event class
class MyEvents {

export default MyEvents;

Now we register our event class in our application, for this we go to the main application file and with the events method

import { Application } from "";
// import event class
import MyEvents from './MyEvents.ts'
// We register the event[MyEvents])

await app.serve({port:4242})

We can also create events from controllers or service

import { Context, Controller, Event } from "";

@Controller('/main') // we indicate the initial path
class MyController {

// export controller
export default MyController;

Call an event:

import { Vala } from "";"event_print", "DATA")


Vala nos permite crear y registrar servicios los cuales podemos acceder desde el Objeto Vala.

// MyService.ts
import { Service } from "";

class MyServices {

export default MyServices;

As in the previous steps, we register the service in our application.

import { Application } from "";
// import service class
import MyService from './MyService.ts'
// We register the service[MyService])

await app.serve({port:4242})

From now on we can access our service from the Vala object, let’s see an example

import { Context, Controller, Get, Vala } from "";

@Controller('/main') // we indicate the initial path
class MyController {
    async main(ctx:Context){
        // We access the service;
        return await ctx.response.json({msg:"Vala"});

// export controller
export default MyController;


Vala, it allows us to use middlewares for a particular route as a global scope, we see some examples

// Middleware global
import { Application } from "";
// We register the middleware
await app.serve({port:4242})

Middleware for a route

import { Context, Controller, Get } from "";

@Controller('/main') // we indicate the initial path
class MyController {
    @Get("/:id",[middleware]) // We register the middleware in the route
    async main(ctx:Context){
        return await ctx.response.json({msg:"Vala"});

// export controller
export default MyController;

Serve static files

Vala also allows you to serve static files, you just have to indicate the path of the directory where the files will be found and that’s it

import { Application } from "";
await app.serve({port:4242})

There are still many more things to develop for Vala, we are in the process of adding new features, your feedback is very important to us. Thank you for using Vala.
