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A TypeScript module to help construct type assertion functions and type guards.

The included functions can be used to create types and their assertion functions and guards from a single source definition.

Type assertion functions and guards can be used to catch incompatible types entering your program due to data corruption, interfaces not being adhered to, or interface definitions being outdated without versioning protection from breaking changes.


Deno module URL

npm installation

npm install typeguardkit


Example imports

Where you see relative import paths in documentation examples, instead import from "" if using Deno, or from "typeguardkit" if using npm.


import {
} from "./mod.ts";

// types/book.ts

const asserter = objectAsserter("Book", {
  isbn: _string,
  title: _string,
  authors: arrayOf(_string),
  pageCount: _number,
  rating: unionOf([_number, _null]),
  recommended: _boolean,

export type Book = ReturnType<typeof asserter>;

export const _Book: ObjectAsserter<Book> = asserter;

// api/get_book.ts

export async function getBook(isbn: string): Promise<Book> {
  const response = await fetch(`/api/books/${isbn}`);
  const responseBody = await response.json();

  // If `responseBody` is a `Book`, `_Book` returns `responseBody` as `Book`.
  // Otherwise, `_Book` throws a `TypeAssertionError`, including the optional
  // value name `"responseBody"` in its `message`.

  return _Book(responseBody, "responseBody");

// local_storage/reading_list_isbns.ts

export const readingListIsbnsKey = "reading-list-isbns";

export function getReadingListIsbns(): string[] {
  const json = localStorage.getItem(readingListIsbnsKey);
  return json ? arrayOf(_string)(JSON.parse(json)) : [];

export function setReadingListIsbns(isbns: readonly string[]): void {
  localStorage.setItem(readingListIsbnsKey, JSON.stringify(isbns));


An Asserter is a type assertion function.

interface Asserter<Type> {
  (value: unknown, name?: string): Type;
  readonly typeName: string;

If value is of Type, the Asserter should return value as Type. Otherwise, the Asserter should throw a TypeAssertionError.

The module includes the _boolean, _number, and _string Asserters.

It also includes the _null and _undefined Asserters, which can be used to create union type Asserters with the unionOf function.

As well as wrapping Asserters in the assertIs or is functions, you can use them like this:

import { _string } from "./mod.ts";

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  let y;

  try {
    y = _string(x, "x");
  } catch {

  // `y` has now been initialized and inferred to be of type `string`, so can be
  // passed to `handleString`. `x` is still of `unknown` type though, so cannot.


function handleString(y: string) {}

You can create your own Asserters with the typeAsserter function. For example, the _string Asserter was created like this:

import { typeAsserter } from "./mod.ts";

export const _string = typeAsserter(
  (value): value is string => typeof value === "string",

Prefixing Asserter names with an underscore _ helps to avoid name conflicts and shadowing.

Assertion signature wrapper

The assertIs function wraps an Asserter<Type> with an assertion signature so the value passed in can be narrowed to Type. If the Asserter throws an error, it will bubble up. Otherwise, assertIs will not return a value, but after calling it, the value passed in will be narrowed to Type.

You can use assertIs like this:

import { _string, assertIs } from "./mod.ts";

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  try {
    assertIs(_string, x, "x");
  } catch {

  // `x` has now been narrowed to type `string`, so can be passed to
  // `handleString`.


function handleString(x: string) {}

Predicate signature wrapper

The is function wraps an Asserter<Type> with a predicate signature, creating a type guard, so the value passed in can be narrowed to Type. If the Asserter throws an error, is will catch it and return false. Otherwise, is will return true.

You can use is like this:

import { _string, is } from "./mod.ts";

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_string, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `string`, so can be passed to
    // `handleString`.


function handleString(x: string) {}

Enum Asserters

You can create an Asserter for an enum type using the enumAsserter function like this:

import { enumAsserter, is } from "./mod.ts";

// types/direction.ts

export enum Direction {

export const _Direction = enumAsserter("Direction", Direction);

// elsewhere.ts

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_Direction, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `Direction`, so can be passed to
    // `handleDirection`.


function handleDirection(x: Direction) {}

Literal union Asserters

You can create an Asserter for a literal union type using the literalUnionAsserter function like this:

import { Asserter, is, literalUnionAsserter } from "./mod.ts";

// types/direction.ts

export const directionValues = ["up", "right", "down", "left"] as const;

const asserter = literalUnionAsserter("Direction", directionValues);

export type Direction = typeof directionValues[number];

export const _Direction: Asserter<Direction> = asserter;

// elsewhere.ts

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_Direction, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `Direction`, so can be passed to
    // `handleDirection`.


function handleDirection(x: Direction) {}

Other Asserter factory functions


unionOf returns an Asserter for the union of the Types of the provided Asserters.

You can use unionOf like this:

import { _null, _string, is, unionOf } from "./mod.ts";

const _stringOrNull = unionOf([_string, _null]);

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_stringOrNull, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `string | null`, so can be passed to
    // `handleStringOrNull`.


function handleStringOrNull(x: string | null) {}


arrayOf returns an Asserter<Array<Type>>, created using the provided Asserter<Type>.

You can use arrayOf like this:

import { _string, arrayOf, is } from "./mod.ts";

const _arrayOfString = arrayOf(_string);

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_arrayOfString, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `Array<string>`, so can be passed to
    // `handleArrayOfString`.


function handleArrayOfString(x: string[]) {}


numberAsserter returns a NumberAsserter that asserts whether value is of type number and valid according to the provided NumberAsserterOptions.

The provided NumberAsserterOptions are made accessible as properties of the returned NumberAsserter.

You can use numberAsserter like this:

import { numberAsserter } from "./mod.ts";

export const _EvenNumberInRange = numberAsserter(
    min: { value: 0, inclusive: true },
    max: { value: 100, inclusive: true },

    validate: (value) => {
      if (value % 2 !== 0) {
        return ["must be even"];
      return [];


An ObjectAsserter is an Asserter for the object type defined by its propertyAsserters.

import { Asserter } from "./mod.ts";

interface ObjectAsserter<Type extends Record<string, unknown>>
  extends Asserter<Type> {
  readonly propertyAsserters: Readonly<
    { [Key in keyof Type]-?: Asserter<Type[Key]> }

You can create an ObjectAsserter with the objectAsserter function and use it like this:

import { _number, _string, is, ObjectAsserter, objectAsserter } from "./mod.ts";

// types/user.ts

const asserter = objectAsserter("User", {
  name: _string,
  age: _number,

export type User = ReturnType<typeof asserter>;

export const _User: ObjectAsserter<User> = asserter;

// elsewhere.ts

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_User, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `User`, so can be passed to
    // `handleUser`.


function handleUser(x: User) {}

Other ObjectAsserter factory functions


objectIntersectionOf returns an ObjectAsserter for the intersection of the Types of the provided ObjectAsserters.

You can use objectIntersectionOf like this:

import {
} from "./mod.ts";

// types/entity.ts

const entityAsserter = objectAsserter("Entity", {
  id: _string,

export type Entity = ReturnType<typeof entityAsserter>;

export const _Entity: ObjectAsserter<Entity> = entityAsserter;

// types/user.ts

const userAsserter = objectIntersectionOf(
  objectAsserter("", {
    name: _string,

export type User = ReturnType<typeof userAsserter>;

export const _User: ObjectAsserter<User> = userAsserter;

// elsewhere.ts

function handleUnknown(x: unknown) {
  if (is(_User, x)) {
    // `x` has now been narrowed to type `User`, so can be passed to
    // `handleUser`.


function handleUser(x: User) {}


partialFrom returns an ObjectAsserter<Partial<Type>>, created using the provided ObjectAsserter<Type>.

Partial<Type> is a utility type that constructs a type the same as Type, but with all properties made optional.

You can use partialFrom like this:

import { _string, ObjectAsserter, objectAsserter, partialFrom } from "./mod.ts";

const asserter = partialFrom(
  objectAsserter("", {
    option1: _string,
    option2: _string,
    option3: _string,

export type Options = ReturnType<typeof asserter>;

export const _Options: ObjectAsserter<Options> = asserter;


pickFrom returns an ObjectAsserter<Pick<Type, Keys[number]>>, created using the provided ObjectAsserter<Type> and Keys.

Pick<Type, Keys> is a utility type that constructs a type consisting of the properties of Type with Keys.

You can use pickFrom like this:

import { _string, ObjectAsserter, objectAsserter, pickFrom } from "./mod.ts";

// types/user.ts

const userAsserter = objectAsserter("User", {
  id: _string,
  firstName: _string,
  lastName: _string,

export type User = ReturnType<typeof userAsserter>;

export const _User: ObjectAsserter<User> = userAsserter;

// types/user_name.ts

const userNameAsserter = pickFrom(_User, ["firstName", "lastName"]);

export type UserName = ReturnType<typeof userNameAsserter>;

export const _UserName: ObjectAsserter<UserName> = userNameAsserter;

The TypeAssertionError issue tree

A TypeAssertionError has an issueTree property of type TypeAssertionIssueTree, which provides a tree representation of the issue data contained in the error’s message.

TypeAssertionIssueTree is an alias of TypeAssertionIssueTreeNode for typing the root TypeAssertionIssueTreeNode.

A TypeAssertionError also has an issueTreeNode method to find the node at a given path. The path separator is a forward slash, and a path segment can be an object property name or array index.

issueTreeNode could be called to get the issue data for each field in a form, for example:

import {
} from "./mod.ts";

// types/item.ts

const itemAsserter = objectAsserter("Item", {
  quantity: numberAsserter("Quantity", {
    subtype: "integer",
    min: { value: 0, inclusive: true },

export type Item = ReturnType<typeof itemAsserter>;

export const _Item: ObjectAsserter<Item> = itemAsserter;

// types/form.ts

const formAsserter = objectAsserter("Form", {
  item: _Item,

export type Form = ReturnType<typeof formAsserter>;

export const _Form: ObjectAsserter<Form> = formAsserter;

// elsewhere.ts

const form: Form = {
  item: {
    quantity: 0,

let itemQuantityIssues: string[] = [];

function validateForm(): boolean {
  try {
    assertIs(_Form, form);
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof TypeAssertionError) {
      const node = error.issueTreeNode("item/quantity");

      itemQuantityIssues = node?.issues
        ? node.issues.filter((issue) => is(_string, issue)) as string[]
        : [];

    return false;

  return true;

Sending TypeAssertionErrors to another program

A TypeAssertionError’s toJSON method returns a JSON representation of the error’s issueTree, which can then be sent to another program and used to create a new TypeAssertionError there with the same issueTree.

In the receiving program, you can assert that a received object is a TypeAssertionIssueTree using the _TypeAssertionIssueTree Asserter. You can then create a TypeAssertionError by passing the asserted TypeAssertionIssueTree to its constructor.