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Deno 2 is finally here 🎉️
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A low-level Deno module for interacting with Discord.


  • 100% coverage over Discord’s HTTP and websocket APIs.
  • Secure by default. Client-side checks prevent 4xxs from occuring.
  • Written purely in TypeScript to guarantee type safety.
  • Built-in utilities such as event logging and custom caching.


export * from "";

If you only want to use HTTP:

export * from "";

If you only want to use interactions:

export * from "";

If you only want to use the Gateway:

export * from "";

See the release notes for all available versions.

Getting Started

Simple program to get started:

import { Client, GatewayIntentBits, onMessageCreate } from "./deps.ts";

const token = prompt("token:");
if (!token) {
  throw new Error("bad token");

const client = new Client(`Bot ${token}`);

for await (const [data, shard] of client.gateway.listen("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
  const message = await onMessageCreate(client, data);
  if (message.content === "!ping") {, {
      content: "pong!",

  intents: GatewayIntentBits.GUILD_MESSAGES,

Simple interactions program:

import { InteractionResponseType, Server } from "./deps.ts";

const publicKey = prompt("public key:");
if (!publicKey) {
  throw new Error("bad public key");

const server = new Server(publicKey);


for await (const [interaction, respond] of server) {
  if ( === "ping") {
      type: InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource,
      data: { content: "pong" },

See the documentation for reference.
