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packup v0.0.13


Zero-config web application packager in Deno.

⚠️ This tool is still in its early development stage.


  • 📦 Bundle web application like Parcel.
  • ✨ Support TypeScript out of the box.
  • 🦕 Deno-compatible ES Modules resolution.
  • 💨 Fast build with esbuild-wasm bundler.


Install via

deno run -A

Write HTML and JavaScript:


  <script src="./main.ts"></script>
  <h1>Hi from packup!</h1>


console.log("hello world");

packup has the development server builtin. Run the following command to start the server.

packup index.html

Then open http://localhost:1234/ in your browser.

See packup serve -h and packup build -h for more usages.


You can type check the script with Deno.

You need the following tsconfig.json for your frontend scripts correctly type checked.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["esnext", "dom"]

If you use vscode you need to set ‘deno.config’ property in .vscode/settings.json file to point the tsconfig.json:

  "deno.enable": true,
  "deno.lint": true,
  "deno.unstable": true,
  "deno.config": "./tsconfig.json"

If you’d prefer to use CLI directly to type check your script, you can use the following command for it:

deno cache --config tsconfig.json <script>

See the example repository for more details.

0.1 roadmap

  • twind example
  • dom manipulation example

0.2.0 roadmap

  • windows CI
  • Make esbuild.wasm path configurable
  • –public-url
  • optimize (minify) option
  • css import support
  • image import support
  • doc web site in packup

1.0 roadmap

  • import map support
  • sourcemap support
  • scss support

Done items

  • give the example of typings of the react + react-router + styled-components example
  • styled-components example
  • react router example
  • react example
  • –open support
  • Assets in static/ dir are served/copied as is. (Use this for images and other assets.)
  • livereload
  • optimize esbuild loading
  • –port support (serve)
  • –dist-dir support (build)
  • Runs parcels original examples (with Deno specific stuff modification).
    • Doesn’t work because it includes commonjs references which I don’t want to support.
  • List asset sizes
  • Bundle javascript using esbuild
  • Bundle javascript using swc
  • deno run cli.ts [serve] index.html starts server at localhost port 1234, watch all dependencies, rebuild all assets when changed.
  • deno run cli.ts build index.html builds static assets to ‘dist’ directory.
  • Referenced scripts from <script> tags are bundled and served/built.
  • Stylesheets referenced from <link /> tags are just served/copied as is.

Prior art
