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oak commons oak_commons ci

A set of APIs that are common to HTTP/HTTPS servers.


Originally all this code was contributed to the Deno standard library but the maintainers after accepting the contributions have moved to remove this code, so I had to resurrect this library to be able to provide common HTTP functionality.

Each module is designed to be largely independent of other modules, with as few shared dependencies as reasonable. These modules are designed as building blocks for more complex HTTP/HTTPS and server frameworks.

The acorn (a RESTful services framework) and oak are examples of something built on top of oak_commons.

The inline documentation for each modules is the best guide on the usage of the APIs:

  • /cookie_map.ts - an API for managing signed and unsigned cookies server side.
  • /http_errors.ts - utilities for working with HTTP Error status as JavaScript errors.
  • /media_types.ts - utilities for working with media types from a request.
  • /method.ts - utilities for working with HTTP methods/verbs in a type safe way.
  • /server_sent_event.ts - an abstraction for managing server sent events like DOM events.
  • /status.ts - utilities for working with HTTP statuses in a type safe way.

Copyright 2018 - 2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT License.