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ci deno doc

A database migration tool for deno. Supports PostgreSQL, and soon: MySQL and SQLite. See documentation.

Status / Roadmap

  • Currently the cli can be used to create a migration file and to perform simple migrations and rollbacks

  • By using Schema you can generate a sql string which you can use to modify your database

  • CLI communicates with db and tracks migrations using a table

  • CLI can rollback a migration

  • CLI can migrate and rollback multiple files (currently only migrate multiple files)

  • Add support for seed files

  • Rework the codebase to have a cleaner interface and chained opperations

  • Add support for soft deletes

  • Add support for env or settings file

  • Add tests

Supported databases

  • PostgreSQL - in beta
  • MySQL - in alpha
  • SQLite - not started

If you have a database system you would like to see in this list, feel free to make an issue or create a pr with your implementation.


  • make: Create migration

deno run --allow-read --allow-write make create_users -p migrations

  • migrate: Run migration - will migrate all migrations in your migration folder newer than the latest migration in your db

deno run --allow-net --allow-read migrate -p migrations -c postgres://root:pwd@localhost:5000/nessie

  • rollback: Rollback - will rollback the latest migration

deno run --allow-net --allow-read migrate -p migrations -c postgres://root:pwd@localhost:5000/nessie


  • -p, --path: path to migration folder
  • -c, --connection: db connection url


Feel free to make pr’s or create an issue!




import { nessieConfigType } from "";

const config: nessieConfigType = {
  migrationFolder: "./migrations",
  connection: {
    host: "localhost",
    port: 5432,
    user: "root",
    password: "pwd",
    name: "nessie",
    dialect: "pg",

export default config;

Minimal example of a migration file

import { Schema } from "";

export const up = (scema: Schema): void => {
  scema.create("users", (table) => {;
    table.string("name", 100).nullable();
    table.custom("custom_column int default 1");

export const down = (schema: Schema): void => {

See example folder for more (under development)

Column types
