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Lesan is a combination of the web server and MongoDb ODM with some microservice setting

it also has several concepts about arbitrary embedding documents and creating SSG contents

let’s create a simple web server :

first of all, create a ts file called mod.ts and import the last version of lesan and assign a constant call coreApp to its:

import { lesan } from "";

const coreApp = lesan();

before anything let’s connect database to our app, so please add a new MongoDb instance :

first add MongoClient from lesan :

import { lesan, MongoClient } from "";

and create new MongoClient :

const client = new MongoClient();
await client.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/arc");
const db = client.database("core");

we should set up ODM with a new database :


we have three concepts for every model in the database: pure and inrelation and outrelation.

pure is just a simple object with key of string and value of SuperStruct structure.

inrelation is an array or single pure object of another MongoDb collection we want to embed. in SQL paradigm every relation we saved the key or id of it we called inrelation. for example we have a blogPost which has a creator from user collection. and we save pure of user in blogPost collection.

outrelation is a relation for collection but it is very huge and we do not even save key or id of it in SQL paradigm. for example, we have a user collection which he/she writes many blogPost and we save for example 50 array pure object of blogPost in order of date sort for the first pagination in user collection.

so let’s create user and country schema :

first let import string number optional InRelation and OutRelation from lesan :

import {
} from "";

and then create schema shapes :

const userPure = {
  name: string(),
  address: optional(string()),
  age: number(),

const countryPure = {
  name: string(),
  description: string(),

const userInRel: Record<string, InRelation> = {
  country: {
    schemaName: "country",
    type: "one",

const userOutRel = {};

const countryInRel: Record<string, InRelation> = {};

const countryOutRel: Record<string, OutRelation> = {
  users: {
    schemaName: "user",
    number: 50,
    sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc" },

we should set schema in coreApp :

const users = coreApp.odm.setModel("user", userPure, userInRel, userOutRel);
const countries = coreApp.odm.setModel(

at this point we need to have some endpoint to call from an HTTP request, so let’s go to write some endpoint.

for creating end point we need to set act from coreApp.acts.setAct function which require type schema actName validator and fn.

the type is just an enum of static and dynamic. schema is the model name we want to set an action to it. actName is just a simple string to identify act. validator is a superstruct object which is call before act fn calling and validation the giving data. validator include set and get object. fn is the function we call when a request for it arrives.

this is a one example of act :

before creating act please import object and ActFn from lesan :

import {
} from "";

and this is act :

const addUserValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(userPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", { country: 1 }),

const addUser: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const createdUser = await users.insertOne(body.details.set);
  return await users.findOne({ _id: createdUser }, body.details.get);

  type: "dynamic",
  schema: "user",
  actName: "addUser",
  validator: addUserValidator(),
  fn: addUser,

the last thing we need is just to run the web server :

coreApp.runServer({ port: 8080, typeGeneration: true, playground: false });

when typeGeneration is set to true it creates a declarations folder with some typescript type we need in the project.

now run this command in the terminal :

deno rum -A mod.ts

that’s all now we can send a POST HTTP request to http://localhost:8080/lesan whit this JSON in the body to get data :

  "contents": "dynamic",
  "wants": {
    "model": "user",
    "act": "addUser"
  "details": {
    "set": {
      "name": "Seyyedeh Sare Hosseini",
      "address": "Iran, Hamedan",
      "age": 5
    "get": {
      "age": 1,
      "address": 1

the projection of getting data is based on MongoDb Projection

the coreApp.schemas.selectStruct function can limit the projection based on your schema relation and prevent an Infinite loop in retrieving data

after running the server whit typeGeneration set to true. the declarations folder is created now you can

import userInp from generated type and make coreApp.schemas.selectStruct<userInp>("user", { country: 1 }) type safe:

import { userInp } from "./declarations/selectInp.ts";

const addUserValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(userPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct<userInp>("user", { country: 1 }),

this is the full example text :

import {
} from "";

const coreApp = lesan();

const client = new MongoClient();

await client.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/arc");
const db = client.database("core");


const userPure = {
  name: string(),
  address: optional(string()),
  age: number(),

const countryPure = {
  name: string(),
  description: string(),

const userInRel: Record<string, InRelation> = {
  country: {
    schemaName: "country",
    type: "one",

const userOutRel = {};

const countryInRel: Record<string, InRelation> = {};

const countryOutRel: Record<string, OutRelation> = {
  users: {
    schemaName: "user",
    number: 50,
    sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc" },

const users = coreApp.odm.setModel("user", userPure, userInRel, userOutRel);
const countries = coreApp.odm.setModel(

const addUserValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(userPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", { country: 1 }),

const addUser: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const acts = coreApp.acts.getAtcsWithServices();
  const createdUser = await users.insertOne(body.details.set);
  return await users.findOne({ _id: createdUser }, body.details.get);

  type: "dynamic",
  schema: "user",
  actName: "addUser",
  validator: addUserValidator(),
  fn: addUser,

const addCountryValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(countryPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", { users: 1 }),

const addCountry: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const createdCountry = await countries.insertOne(body.details.set);
  return await countries.findOne({ _id: createdCountry }, body.details.get);

  type: "dynamic",
  schema: "country",
  actName: "addCountry",
  validator: addCountryValidator(),
  fn: addCountry,

coreApp.runServer({ port: 8080, typeGeneration: true, playground: false });

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