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Simple library for storing/retrieving documents in Deno’s KV store.

Has no dependencies.


Models can be defined by extending the Model type.

import type { Model } from ""

interface User extends Model {
  username: string,
  age: number,
  activities: string[],
  address: {
    country: string,
    city: string,
    street: string,
    houseNumber: number


A Collection contains all methods for dealing with a collection of documents. The Collection class should be initialized with a Model type parameter and the key for the specific collection. The key must adhere to the type Deno.KvKey.

import { Collection } from ""

const users = new Collection<User>(["users"])


The “find” method is used to retrieve a single document with the given id from the KV store. The id must adhere to the type Deno.KvKeyPart. This method also takes an optional options argument to control the consistency level.

const user1 = await users.find(123)

const user2 = await users.find(123n)

const oliver = await users.find("oliver", {
  consistency: "eventual" // "strong" by default


The “add” method is used to add a new document to the KV store. An id of type string (uuid) will be generated for the document. Upon completion a CommitResult object will be returned with the document id and versionstamp.

const { id, versionstamp } = await users.add({
  username: "oliver",
  age: 24,
  activities: ["skiing", "running"],
  address: {
    country: "Norway",
    city: "Bergen",
    street: "Sesame",
    houseNumber: 42

console.log(id) // f897e3cf-bd6d-44ac-8c36-d7ab97a82d77


The “set” method is very similar to the “add” method, and is used to add a new document to the KV store with a given id of type Deno.KvKeyPart. Upon completion a CommitResult object will be returned with the document id and versionstamp.

const { id, versionstamp } = await users.set({
  id: 95700400,
  username: "oliver",
  age: 24,
  activities: ["skiing", "running"],
  address: {
    country: "Norway",
    city: "Bergen",
    street: "Sesame",
    houseNumber: 42

console.log(id) // 95700400


The “delete” method is used to delete a document with the given id from the KV store.

await users.delete("oliver")

Delete Many

The “deleteMany” method is used for deleting multiple documents from the KV store. It takes an optional “options” parameter that can be used for filtering of documents to be deleted. If no options are given, “deleteMany” will delete all documents in the collection.

// Deletes all users
await users.deleteMany()

// Deletes all users with age above 20
await users.deleteMany({
  filter: user => user.age > 20

// Deletes the first 10 users in the KV store
await users.deleteMany({
  limit: 10

// Deletes the last 10 users in the KV store
await users.deleteMany({
  limit: 10,
  reverse: true

Get Many

The “getMany” method is used for retrieving multiple documents from the KV store. It takes an optional “options” parameter that can be used for filtering of documents to be retrieved. If no options are given, “getMany” will retrieve all documents in the collection.

// Retrieves all users
const allUsers = await users.getMany()

// Retrieves all users with age above or equal to 18
const canBasciallyDrinkEverywhereExceptUSA = await users.getMany({
  filter: user => user.age >= 18

// Retrieves the first 10 users in the KV store
const first10 = await users.getMany({
  limit: 10

// Retrieves the last 10 users in the KV store
const last10 = await users.getMany({
  limit: 10,
  reverse: true

For Each

The “forEach” method is used for executing a callback function for multiple documents in the KV store. It takes an optional “options” parameter that can be used for filtering of documents. If no options are given, “forEach” will execute the callback function for all documents in the collection.

// Log the username of every user document
await users.forEach(user => console.log(user.username))

// Log the username of user that has "swimming" as an activity
await users.forEach(user => console.log(user.username), {
  filter: user => user.activities.includes("swimming")

// Log the usernames of the first 10 users in the KV store
await users.forEach(user => console.log(user.username), {
  limit: 10

// Log the usernames of the last 10 users in the KV store
await users.forEach(user => console.log(user.username), {
  limit: 10,
  reverse: true