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One-line commands to install Deno on your system.

Build Status

Install Latest Version

With Shell:

curl -fsSL | sh

With PowerShell:

irm | iex

Install Specific Version

With Shell:

curl -fsSL | sh -s v1.0.0

With PowerShell:

$v="1.0.0"; irm | iex

Install via Package Manager

With Scoop:

scoop install deno

With Homebrew:

brew install deno

With Macports:

sudo port install deno

With Chocolatey:

choco install deno

With Snap:

sudo snap install deno

With Pacman:

pacman -S deno

Build and install from source using Cargo:

cargo install deno

Install and Manage Multiple Versions

With asdf and asdf-deno:

asdf plugin add deno

# Get latest version of deno available
DENO_LATEST=$(asdf latest deno)

asdf install deno $DENO_LATEST

# Activate globally with:
asdf global deno $DENO_LATEST

# Activate locally in the current folder with:
asdf local deno $DENO_LATEST

# If you want to install specific version of deno then use that version instead
# of DENO_LATEST variable example
asdf install deno 1.0.0

# Activate globally with:
asdf global deno 1.0.0

# Activate locally in the current folder with:
asdf local deno 1.0.0

With Scoop:

# Install a specific version of deno:
scoop install deno@1.0.0

# Switch to v1.0.0
scoop reset deno@1.0.0

# Switch to the latest version
scoop reset deno

Environment Variables

  • DENO_INSTALL - The directory in which to install Deno. This defaults to $HOME/.deno. The executable is placed in $DENO_INSTALL/bin. One application of this is a system-wide installation:

    With Shell (/usr/local):

    curl -fsSL | sudo DENO_INSTALL=/usr/local sh

    With PowerShell (C:\Program Files\deno):

    # Run as administrator:
    $env:DENO_INSTALL = "C:\Program Files\deno"
    irm | iex


Known Issues

unzip is required

The program unzip is a requirement for the Shell installer.

$ curl -fsSL | sh
Error: unzip is required to install Deno (see:

When does this issue occur?

During the process, unzip is used to extract the zip archive.

How can this issue be fixed?

You can install unzip via brew install unzip on MacOS or apt-get install unzip -y on Linux.