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Message Language Validator

This application validates if messages are in the desired language using command-line arguments.




No installation is required as Deno uses a URL-based module system.


Command-Line Flags

  • --file=, -f=: Specifies the file path containing the message.
  • --language=, -l=: Specifies the language code for validation.
  • --message=, -m=: Specifies the message directly via command line.

Example Usage

Validate Direct Message:
deno task start --message="Your commit message here" --language=eng
Validate Message from File:
deno task start --file=path/to/your/file.txt --language=eng

Error Handling

  • If no valid arguments are provided, an error is thrown specifying the requirement for at least one valid argument.

  • If the message is not in the specified language, an error message is displayed, and the application exits with a status code of 1.

Supported Languages

  • English (eng)
  • Spanish (spa)
  • Portuguese (por)
  • French (fra)
  • German (deu)
  • Italian (ita)
  • Russian (rus)
  • Arabic (arb)
  • Bengali (ben)
  • Hindi (hin)
  • Indonesian (ind)
  • Japanese (jpn)
  • and others

See all suported languages in here link


The application uses MessageLanguageValidator to check if the provided message is in the desired language. If validation fails, it outputs an appropriate error message using the Messages enum.


  • Ensure Deno has appropriate permissions (--allow-read) to read files if validating messages from files.


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.