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Fresh Session 🍋

Dead simple cookie-based session for Deno Fresh.

Get started

Fresh Session comes with a simple middleware to add at the root of your project, which will create or resolve a session from the request cookie.

Install / Import

You can import Fresh Session like so:

import {
} from "";

Setup secret key

Fresh Session currently use JSON Web Token under the hood to create and manage session in the cookies.

JWT requires to have a secret key to encrypt new token. Fresh Session use the session from your environment variable APP_KEY.

If you don’t know how to setup environment variable locally, I wrote an article about .env file in Deno Fresh.

Create a root middleware (./routes/_middleware.ts)

import { MiddlewareHandlerContext } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import {
} from "";

export type State = WithSession;

export function handler(
  req: Request,
  ctx: MiddlewareHandlerContext<State>,
) {
  return cookieSession(req, ctx);

Learn more about Fresh route middleware.

Interact with the session in your routes

Now that the middleware is setup, it’s going to handle creating/resolving session based on the request cookie. So all that you need to worry about is interacting with your session.

// ./routes/dashboard.tsx
/** @jsx h */
import { h } from "preact";
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { WithSession } from "";

export type Data = { session: Record<string, string> };

export const handler: Handlers<
  WithSession // indicate with Typescript that the session is in the `ctx.state`
> = {
  GET(_req, ctx) {
    // The session is accessible via the `ctx.state`
    const { session } = ctx.state;

    // Access data stored in the session
    // Set new value in the session
    session.set("email", "");
    // returns `true` if the session has a value with a specific key, else `false`
    // clear all the session data
    // Access all session data value as an object;

    // You can pass the session data to the page
    return ctx.render({ session: });

export default function Dashboard({ data }: PageProps<Data>) {
  return <div>You are logged in as {}</div>;