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Fresh Clerk is available on To use it, import into a module:

import { clerkPlugin } from ''

or via import map inside deno.json:

  "imports": {
    "$clerk/": ""

Set environment variables


Install plugin

Inside your fresh.config.ts file, add the following:

import { clerkPlugin } from '$clerk/mod.ts'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [clerkPlugin()]

The plugin will add the Clerk backend SDK middleware and process and bundle the Clerk frontend islands.

Add <ClerkProvider> to your App wrapper

All Clerk components, islands and hooks must be children of the <ClerkProvider> component, which provides active session and user context.

// _app.tsx
import { ClerkProvider } from '$clerk/islands/mod.ts';

export default function App({ Component, state }) {
  return (
    {/* html */}
    {/* head */}
        {/* Pass the auth state to enable SSR support */}
        <Component />
    {/* /html */}


  • <SignedIn>
  • <SignedOut>
  • <Protect>
  • <SignIn> (island)
  • <SignUp> (island)
  • <UserButton> (island)
  • <UserProfile> (island)
  • <OrganizationProfile> (island)
  • <OrganizationSwitcher> (island)
  • <CreateOrganization> (island)


  • auth - Auth state.
  • user - Authenticated user.
  • organization - Active Organization of the authenticated user.
  • session - Session of the authenticated user.
  • clerk - See Clerk.


The following example demonstrates how to use the auth signal to access the current auth state, like whether the user is signed in or not. It also demonstrates a basic example of how you could use the getToken() method to retrieve a session token for fetching data from an external resource.

import { useClerkContext } from '$clerk/hooks/mod.ts'

export default function SomeIsland() {
  const { auth, session } = useClerkContext()

  async function fetchDataFromExternalResource() {
    const token = await session.value.getToken()
        // Add logic to fetch your data
        return data

  if (auth.value === undefined) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>

  if (auth.value === null) {
    return <div>Sign in to view this page</div>

  return <div>...</div>

Protecting routes

Client side

Clerk offers Control Components that allow you to protect your pages. These components are used to control the visibility of your pages based on the user’s authentication state.

import { SignedIn, SignedOut, SignOutButton } from '$clerk/components/mod.ts'
import { UserButton } from '$clerk/islands/mod.ts'

export default function Index() {
  return (
      <h1>Index Route</h1>
        <p>You are signed in!</p>
          <p>View your profile here πŸ‘‡</p>
          <UserButton />
          <SignOutButton />
        <p>You are signed out</p>
          <a href="/sign-in">Go to Sign in</a>
          <a href="/sign-up">Go to Sign up</a>

Server side

