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Deno 2 is finally here 🎉️
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Environnement information

Import the module in your deno app

import os from ''


get Os platform (windows, linux, darwin on mac):

Added in: v0.1.0

os.paltform() // return the os platform for eg: windows, linux, darwin on mac ..
get Os name (x86, x64):

Added in: v0.1.0

await os.arch() // return the os architecture x86 Or x64
get system user home directory pthe:

Added in: v0.1.0 Required permissions:

  • --allow-env
os.homeDir() // return the system home directory 
get Os temp directory path:

Added in: v0.1.0 Required permissions:

  • --allow-env
os.tempDir() // return the system temp directory

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