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docopt.js ā€“ command line option parser, that will make you smile

docopt.js v1.0.0 Build Status node >= 10.3.0 deno >= 0.33.0 on npm

This is the javascript port of docopt, the awesome option parser written originally in python.

Isnā€™t it awesome how yargs and commander generate help messages based on your code?!

Hell no! You know whatā€™s awesome? Itā€™s when the option parser is generated based on the beautiful help message that you write yourself! This way you donā€™t need to write this stupid repeatable parser-code, and instead can write only the help messageā€“the way you want it.

docopt helps you create most beautiful command-line interfaces easily:

Example: Naval Fate


import docopt from "";
const doc = `
Naval Fate.

  ${import.meta.url} ship new <name>...
  ${import.meta.url} ship <name> move <x> <y> [--speed=<kn>]
  ${import.meta.url} ship shoot <x> <y>
  ${import.meta.url} mine (set|remove) <x> <y> [--moored|--drifting]
  ${import.meta.url} -h | --help
  ${import.meta.url} --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  --speed=<kn>  Speed in knots [default: 10].
  --moored      Moored (anchored) mine.
  --drifting    Drifting mine.

try {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(docopt(doc), null, '\t'));
catch (e) {

Node modules

const docopt = require('@eyalsh/docopt').default;

const doc = `
Naval Fate.

  ${__filename} ship new <name>...
  ${__filename} ship <name> move <x> <y> [--speed=<kn>]
  ${__filename} ship shoot <x> <y>
  ${__filename} mine (set|remove) <x> <y> [--moored|--drifting]
  ${__filename} -h | --help
  ${__filename} --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  --speed=<kn>  Speed in knots [default: 10].
  --moored      Moored (anchored) mine.
  --drifting    Drifting mine.

try {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(docopt(doc), null, '\t'));
catch (e) {

Beat that! The option parser is generated based on the docstring above that is passed to docopt function. docopt parses the usage pattern (Usage: ...) and option descriptions (lines starting with dash ā€œ-ā€) and ensures that the program invocation matches the usage pattern; it parses options, arguments and commands based on that. The basic idea is that a good help message has all necessary information in it to make a parser.



Docopt is available via Typescript import:

import docopt from "";


Docopt is available via npm:

npm install --save @eyalsh/docopt


Docopt takes 1 required and 1 optional argument:

  • doc should be a string that describes options in a human-readable format, that will be parsed to create the option parser. The simple rules of how to write such a docstring (in order to generate option parser from it successfully) are given in the next section. Here is a quick example of such a string:

      Usage: your_program [options]
      -h --help     Show this.
      -v --verbose  Print more text.
      --quiet       Print less text.
      -o FILE       Specify output file [default: ./test.txt].

The optional second argument contains a hash of additional data to influence docopt. The following keys are supported:

  • help, by default true, specifies whether the parser should automatically print the usage-message (supplied as doc) in case -h or --help options are encountered. After showing the usage-message, the program will terminate. If you want to handle -h or --help options manually (as all other options), set help=false.

  • version, by default undefined, is an optional argument that specifies the version of your program. If supplied, then, if the parser encounters --version option, it will print the supplied version and terminate. version could be any printable object, but most likely a string, e.g. '2.1.0rc1'.

Note, when docopt is set to automatically handle -h, --help and --version options, you still need to mention them in the options description (doc) for your users to know about them.

The return value is just an object with options, arguments and commands, with keys spelled exactly like in a help message (long versions of options are given priority). For example, if you invoke the top example as:

naval_fate ship Guardian move 100 150 --speed=15

the return object will be:

    "ship": true,
    "new": false,
    "<name>": ["Guardian"],
    "move": true,
    "<x>": "100",
    "<y>": "150",
    "--speed": "15",
    "shoot": false,
    "mine": false,
    "set": false,
    "remove": false,
    "--moored": false,
    "--drifting": false,
    "--help": false,
    "--version": false

Help message format

docopt.js follows the docopt help message format. You can find more details at official docopt git repo


We have an extensive list of examples which cover every aspect of functionality of docopt. Try them out, read the source if in doubt.


We would love to hear what you think about docopt.js. Contribute, make pull requests, report bugs, suggest ideas and discuss docopt.js on issues page.

If you want to discuss the original docopt reference, point to itā€™s home

Porting docopt to other languages

Docopt is an interlinguistic (?) effort, and this is the JavaScript port of docopt. We coordinate our efforts with docopt community and try our best to keep in sync with the python reference.

Docopt community loves to hear what you think about docopt, docopt.js and other sister projects on docoptā€™s issues page.