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🐋 Docker Names

Docker_Names 🐋 is a port for Moby’s name generation for the Deno ecosystem.

With this library you’ll be able to generates names like:

  • ecstatic_rubin
  • elastic_yonath66
  • blissful@elgamal
  • boring&wozniak2

💭 Inspiration

This project is inspired by the awesome folks at moby/moby and their idea to pay homage to great scientists and “hackers” when creating names for running containers.

This also builds on my previous port for the .NET Core ecosystem DockerNames.

▶ Quickstart

Import this project and you’ll have access to two functions:

  • generateName(retry?: int): Generates a name with an adjective, a personality and a _ separator. If retry is set and greated than 0 it’ll be appended
  • generateNameCustom(seprator: string, retry?: int): Same as generateName but allows for a custom separator.


This snippet will allow you to use deno repl to play with name generation:

> let names;
// undefined

// Importing our mod into the REPL
> import("./mod.ts").then(r => names = r)
// Promise { <pending> }

> names.generateName()
// magical_satoshi

> names.generateName(22)
// flamboyant_goldberg22

> names.generateNameCustom('***')
// vigorous***bohr
> names.generateNameCustom('***', 99)
// objective***jennings99