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Deno module to connect to FRED API

How to use

Instantiate FRED object (S&P500 data example) and pull data

import {SeriesFred} from ''

import {FRED_KEY} from './keys.js'

const options = {
    observation_start: '2021-01-01',
    observation_end: '2022-01-01',
    file_type: 'json'

const fredObj = new SeriesFred(FRED_KEY, options);

try {
    const dta = await fredObj.fetchSeriesObservations('SP500', options);
} catch(err) {

The secondary argument can be an object that includes a variety of key-values such as:

const options = {
  file_type: '',
  realtime_start: '',
  realtime_end: '',
  limit: '',
  offset: '',
  sort_order: '',
  observation_start: '',
  observation_end: '',
  units: '',
  frequency: '',
  aggregation_method: '',
  output_type: '',
  vintage_dates: ''

See the Fred API documentation for more information:

Note for the txt and xls file types, fredObj.fetchSeriesObservations() will save a .zip file called To modify the location and file name, add a third argument to the above method with the location and name of the file with the .zip extension. Also include the flag --allow-write to allow deno to write the file

When running your script, be sure to set the --allow-net flag as follows:

deno run

Set your API Key

Create a FRED account and get your API key from:

More to come :)