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Note: This is very early stages. Just started working on it.

Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.


  1. No globals or global configuration.
  2. No custom CLI.
  3. Cross platform shell to help the code work on Windows.
    • Uses deno_task_shellā€™s parser.
    • Allows exporting the shellā€™s environment to the current process.
  4. Good for use in shell script replacements or application code.
  5. Named after my cat.


import $ from "";

// runs a command
await $`echo 5`;

// providing result of command to other command
// Note: This will read the command's stdout and trim the last newline
const result = await $`echo 1`;
const result2 = await $`echo ${result}`;
console.log(result2.stdout); // 1\n

// runs the script showing stdout and stderr
await $`deno run my_script.ts`;

// get captured stderr
const result = await $`deno eval 'console.error(5);'`;
console.log(result.stderr.trim()); // 5

// get output as json
const output = await $`deno eval "console.log(JSON.stringify({ test: 5 }));"`;

// setting env variables (outputs: 1 2 3 4)
await $`echo $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4`
  .env("var1", "1")
  .env("var2", "2")
  // or use object syntax
    var3: "3",
    var4: "4",

// setting cwd for command
await $`deno eval 'console.log(Deno.cwd());'`.cwd("./someDir");

// makes a command not output anything to stdout and stderr
// if either are set to "default" or "inherit"
await $`echo 5`.quiet();

// echo (console.log alias)

// change directory

// sleep
await $.sleep(1000);

// get path to an executable
await $.which("deno"); // path to deno executable

// attempt doing an action until it succeeds
await $.withRetries({
  count: 5,
  delay: 5_000,
  action: async () => {
    await $`cargo publish`;

// re-export of deno_std's path
$.path.basename("./deno/std/path/mod.ts"); // mod.ts

// re-export of deno_std's fs
for await (const file of $.fs.expandGlob("**/*.ts")) {

// export the environment of a command to the executing process
await $`cd src && export MY_VALUE=5`.exportEnv();
// will output "5"
await $`echo $MY_VALUE`.stdout("inherit");
// will output it's in the src dir
await $`echo $PWD`.stdout("inherit");
// this will also output it's in the src dir


The shell is cross platform and uses the parser from deno_task_shell.

Sequential lists:

// result will contain the directory in someDir
const result = await $`cd someDir ; deno eval 'console.log(Deno.cwd())'`;

Boolean lists:

// returns stdout with 1\n\2n
await $`echo 1 && echo 2`;
// returns stdout with 1\n
await $`echo 1 || echo 2`;

Setting env var for command in the shell (generally you can just use .env(...) though):

// result will contain the directory in someDir
const result = await $`test=123 deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))'`;
console.log(result.stdout); // 123

Shell variables (these arenā€™t exported):

// the 'test' variable WON'T be exported to the sub processes, so
// that will print a blank line, but it will be used in the final echo command
const result =
  await $`test=123 && deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))' && echo $test`;

Env variables (these are exported):

// the 'test' variable WILL be exported to the sub processes and
// it will be used in the final echo command
const result =
  await $`export test=123 && deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))' && echo $test`;

Variable substitution:

const result = await $`echo $TEST`.env("TEST", "123");
console.log(result.stdout); // 123


Custom Cross Platform Shell Commands

Currently implemented (though not every option is supported):

  • cd - Change directory command.
    • Note that shells donā€™t export their environment by default.
  • echo - Echo command.

Command Builder

You may wish to create your own $ function that has a certain setup context (for example, a defined environment variable or cwd). You may do this by using a CommandBuilder, which is what the main default exported $ function uses internally:

import { CommandBuilder } from "{VERSION_GOES_HERE}/mod.ts";

const builder = new CommandBuilder()
  .env("HTTPS_PROXY", "some_value");

// creates a $ object with the starting environment as shown above
const $ =$();

// this command will use the env described above, but the main
// process won't have its environment changed
await $`deno run my_script.ts`;

This may be useful also if you want to change the default configuration, for example:

const builder = new CommandBuilder()

const $ =$();

// since exportEnv() was set, this will now actually change
// the directory of the executing process
await $`cd test && export MY_VALUE=5`;
// will output "5"
await $`echo $MY_VALUE`;
// will output it's in the test dir
await $`echo $PWD`;
// this will now output to stdout instead of piping by default
await $`echo 'hello'`;