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aws_api for Deno

From-scratch Typescript AWS API client built for Deno.

A leading focus of this library is to be as lean as possible on the number of files downloaded to use a specific service. Each service has its own isolated mod.ts; youā€™ll need to make an ApiFactory from client/mod.ts and then pass it to the service you want to use.

Package layout:

  • client/: A handwritten generic AWS API client (credentials, signing, etc)
  • encoding/: Shared modules for dealing with XML, JSON, & querystrings
  • services/: Generated Typescript classes and interfaces for all supported AWS services
  • demo.ts: A trivial example of using this library
  • examples/: Several full examples of using individual services
  • A complete list of all AWS APIs and their build status

Please reach out on Github Issues about missing features, weird exceptions, or API issues, or ping dantheman#8546 in the Deno Discord if you just wanna chat about this effort.


Basic example: (a subset of demo.ts)

import {ApiFactory} from '';
const factory = new ApiFactory();

import STS from '';
const sts = new STS(factory);

const identity = await sts.getCallerIdentity();
console.log('You are', identity.UserId, 'in account', identity.Account);
console.log('Identity ARN:', identity.Arn);

A couple more-detailed examples are in examples/ and show concepts such as managing an EC2 instanceā€™s lifecycle, redriving SQS messages, and working directly with a Kinesis stream.


  • v0.1.0 on 2020-10-15: Initial publication with about half of the services bound.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.768.0
  • v0.1.1 on 2020-11-02: Generation improvements, most services have been generated.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.780.0
  • v0.2.0 on 2020-11-07: Completed bindings for all API services.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.784.0


This is NOT a port of the official AWS SDK JS. Though every AWS service has an API module here, most have not actually been used yet and the bindings might make bad assumptions about the API contracts.

Do not use this module in mission critical stuff. Itā€™s supposed to be for automation scripts, quick & dirty pieces of infrastructure, and prototype microservices and so on.

If you just want the real, full-fat AWS SDK, a port of it has been uploaded at /x/aws_sdk.

The generated source code is still pretty messy. I used this project to learn more about the practicallity of API codegen. Iā€™ll be going through and neatening up the services/ source which shouldnā€™t affect the published APIs.

Finally, the APIs within client/ and encoding/ are liable to change. For best upgradability, stick to making an ApiFactory object and passing it to the services. At some point (before 1.0.0) the APIs should be ready to lock in.


All of the clients are compiled from aws-sdk-jsā€™s JSON data files. The code to generate clients isnā€™t uploaded to /x/, so if you want to read through it, make sure youā€™re in the source Git repo.

ā€œMostā€ of the heavy lifting (such as compiling waiter JMESPaths) runs in the generation step so that the modules on /x/ are ready to run.


The following clients have been used in actual scripts and should work quite well:

  • SQS
  • STS
  • EC2
  • S3
  • Kinesis
  • DynamoDB

The following credential sources are supported:

  • Environment variables
  • Static credentials in ~/.aws/credentials
  • EKS Pod Identity (web identity token files)
  • EC2 instance credentials

Some individual features that are implemented:

  • Waiters (as .waitForXYZ({...}))
  • Automatic credential detection / loading
  • EC2 instance metadata server v2

Multiple bits are missing:

  • Automatic pagination
  • AssumeRole credentials
  • Debug logging/tracing of API calls
  • Automatic retries
  • Getting EKS credentials from regional STS endpoints
  • AWS endpoints other than ** (govcloud, China AWS, etc)

List of Typechecked API Clients

All API definitions are current as of aws-sdk-js v2.814.0.

Class Module File size Approx check time
MigrationHub AWSMigrationHub@2017-05-31 21 KiB 0.8 sec
AccessAnalyzer accessanalyzer@2019-11-01 25 KiB 0.8 sec
ACM acm@2015-12-08 21 KiB 0.8 sec
ACMPCA acm-pca@2017-08-22 29 KiB 0.8 sec
AlexaForBusiness alexaforbusiness@2017-11-09 115 KiB 1.4 sec
Amp amp@2020-08-01 6 KiB 0.7 sec
Amplify amplify@2017-07-25 50 KiB 0.9 sec
AmplifyBackend amplifybackend@2020-08-11 48 KiB 0.9 sec
APIGateway apigateway@2015-07-09 148 KiB 1.7 sec
ApiGatewayManagementApi apigatewaymanagementapi@2018-11-29 3 KiB 0.6 sec
ApiGatewayV2 apigatewayv2@2018-11-29 118 KiB 1.4 sec
AppConfig appconfig@2019-10-09 42 KiB 0.9 sec
Appflow appflow@2020-08-23 90 KiB 1.2 sec
AppIntegrations appintegrations@2020-07-29 11 KiB 0.8 sec
ApplicationAutoScaling application-autoscaling@2016-02-06 26 KiB 2.3 sec
ApplicationInsights application-insights@2018-11-25 34 KiB 0.8 sec
AppMesh appmesh@2018-10-01 30 KiB 0.9 sec
AppMesh appmesh@2019-01-25 111 KiB 1.4 sec
AppStream appstream@2016-12-01 69 KiB 1.1 sec
AppSync appsync@2017-07-25 59 KiB 1.1 sec
Athena athena@2017-05-18 38 KiB 0.9 sec
AuditManager auditmanager@2017-07-25 80 KiB 1.2 sec
AutoScaling autoscaling@2011-01-01 103 KiB 1.2 sec
AutoScalingPlans autoscaling-plans@2018-01-06 22 KiB 0.8 sec
Backup backup@2018-11-15 69 KiB 1.1 sec
Batch batch@2016-08-10 53 KiB 1.1 sec
Braket braket@2019-09-01 13 KiB 0.8 sec
Budgets budgets@2016-10-20 37 KiB 0.9 sec
CostExplorer ce@2017-10-25 82 KiB 1.1 sec
Chime chime@2018-05-01 212 KiB 1.8 sec
Cloud9 cloud9@2017-09-23 14 KiB 0.7 sec
CloudDirectory clouddirectory@2016-05-10 120 KiB 1.3 sec
CloudDirectory clouddirectory@2017-01-11 123 KiB 1.3 sec
CloudFormation cloudformation@2010-05-15 130 KiB 1.5 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2016-11-25 82 KiB 1.2 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2017-03-25 83 KiB 1.2 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2017-10-30 118 KiB 1.4 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2018-06-18 119 KiB 1.4 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2018-11-05 123 KiB 1.4 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2019-03-26 124 KiB 1.4 sec
CloudFront cloudfront@2020-05-31 182 KiB 1.7 sec
CloudHSM cloudhsm@2014-05-30 19 KiB 0.8 sec
CloudHSMV2 cloudhsmv2@2017-04-28 18 KiB 0.7 sec
CloudSearch cloudsearch@2011-02-01 34 KiB 0.9 sec
CloudSearch cloudsearch@2013-01-01 58 KiB 1.1 sec
CloudSearchDomain cloudsearchdomain@2013-01-01 9 KiB 0.7 sec
CloudTrail cloudtrail@2013-11-01 28 KiB 0.8 sec
CodeArtifact codeartifact@2018-09-22 55 KiB 1.0 sec
CodeBuild codebuild@2016-10-06 89 KiB 1.2 sec
CodeCommit codecommit@2015-04-13 108 KiB 1.3 sec
CodeDeploy codedeploy@2014-10-06 84 KiB 1.2 sec
CodeGuruReviewer codeguru-reviewer@2019-09-19 26 KiB 0.8 sec
CodeGuruProfiler codeguruprofiler@2019-07-18 36 KiB 0.9 sec
CodePipeline codepipeline@2015-07-09 65 KiB 1.1 sec
CodeStar codestar@2017-04-19 22 KiB 0.8 sec
CodeStarconnections codestar-connections@2019-12-01 13 KiB 0.7 sec
CodeStarNotifications codestar-notifications@2019-10-15 16 KiB 0.8 sec
CognitoIdentity cognito-identity@2014-06-30 25 KiB 0.8 sec
CognitoIdentityServiceProvider cognito-idp@2016-04-18 148 KiB 1.4 sec
CognitoSync cognito-sync@2014-06-30 22 KiB 0.8 sec
Comprehend comprehend@2017-11-27 98 KiB 1.2 sec
ComprehendMedical comprehendmedical@2018-10-30 33 KiB 0.9 sec
ComputeOptimizer compute-optimizer@2019-11-01 29 KiB 0.8 sec
ConfigService config@2014-11-12 135 KiB 1.5 sec
Connect connect@2017-08-08 106 KiB 1.2 sec
ConnectContactLens connect-contact-lens@2020-08-21 5 KiB 0.7 sec
ConnectParticipant connectparticipant@2018-09-07 9 KiB 0.7 sec
CUR cur@2017-01-06 7 KiB 0.7 sec
CustomerProfiles customer-profiles@2020-08-15 42 KiB 1.0 sec
DataBrew databrew@2017-07-25 54 KiB 1.1 sec
DataExchange dataexchange@2017-07-25 37 KiB 0.9 sec
DataPipeline datapipeline@2012-10-29 23 KiB 0.8 sec
DataSync datasync@2018-11-09 45 KiB 0.9 sec
DAX dax@2017-04-19 28 KiB 0.9 sec
Detective detective@2018-10-26 11 KiB 0.7 sec
DeviceFarm devicefarm@2015-06-23 101 KiB 1.3 sec
DevOpsGuru devops-guru@2020-12-01 43 KiB 0.9 sec
DirectConnect directconnect@2012-10-25 70 KiB 1.1 sec
Discovery discovery@2015-11-01 33 KiB 0.9 sec
DLM dlm@2018-01-12 22 KiB 0.8 sec
DMS dms@2016-01-01 122 KiB 1.4 sec
DocDB docdb@2014-10-31 86 KiB 1.3 sec
DirectoryService ds@2015-04-16 74 KiB 1.2 sec
DynamoDB dynamodb@2011-12-05 25 KiB 0.9 sec
DynamoDB dynamodb@2012-08-10 122 KiB 1.4 sec
EBS ebs@2019-11-02 11 KiB 0.7 sec
EC2 ec2@2016-11-15 1100 KiB 4.9 sec
EC2InstanceConnect ec2-instance-connect@2018-04-02 2 KiB 0.6 sec
ECR ecr@2015-09-21 49 KiB 0.9 sec
ECRPUBLIC ecr-public@2020-10-30 27 KiB 0.9 sec
ECS ecs@2014-11-13 122 KiB 1.4 sec
EKS eks@2017-11-01 52 KiB 1.0 sec
ElasticInference elastic-inference@2017-07-25 9 KiB 0.7 sec
ElastiCache elasticache@2015-02-02 147 KiB 1.5 sec
ElasticBeanstalk elasticbeanstalk@2010-12-01 100 KiB 1.3 sec
EFS elasticfilesystem@2015-02-01 31 KiB 0.9 sec
ELB elasticloadbalancing@2012-06-01 48 KiB 1.0 sec
ELBv2 elasticloadbalancingv2@2015-12-01 78 KiB 1.2 sec
EMR elasticmapreduce@2009-03-31 108 KiB 1.3 sec
ElasticTranscoder elastictranscoder@2012-09-25 42 KiB 1.0 sec
SES email@2010-12-01 98 KiB 1.2 sec
EMRcontainers emr-containers@2020-10-01 27 KiB 0.9 sec
MarketplaceEntitlementService entitlement.marketplace@2017-01-11 3 KiB 0.6 sec
ES es@2015-01-01 81 KiB 1.1 sec
EventBridge eventbridge@2015-10-07 54 KiB 1.0 sec
CloudWatchEvents events@2015-10-07 54 KiB 1.0 sec
Firehose firehose@2015-08-04 66 KiB 1.0 sec
FMS fms@2018-01-01 40 KiB 0.9 sec
ForecastService forecast@2018-06-26 53 KiB 1.0 sec
ForecastQueryService forecastquery@2018-06-26 3 KiB 0.6 sec
FraudDetector frauddetector@2019-11-15 66 KiB 1.1 sec
FSx fsx@2018-03-01 42 KiB 0.9 sec
GameLift gamelift@2015-10-01 125 KiB 1.4 sec
Glacier glacier@2012-06-01 47 KiB 1.0 sec
GlobalAccelerator globalaccelerator@2018-08-08 55 KiB 1.1 sec
Glue glue@2017-03-31 250 KiB 2.4 sec
Greengrass greengrass@2017-06-07 131 KiB 1.4 sec
GreengrassV2 greengrassv2@2020-11-30 45 KiB 1.0 sec
GroundStation groundstation@2019-05-23 45 KiB 1.0 sec
GuardDuty guardduty@2017-11-28 87 KiB 1.2 sec
Health health@2016-08-04 24 KiB 0.8 sec
HealthLake healthlake@2017-07-01 10 KiB 0.8 sec
Honeycode honeycode@2020-03-01 25 KiB 0.8 sec
IAM iam@2010-05-08 167 KiB 1.7 sec
IdentityStore identitystore@2020-06-15 5 KiB 0.7 sec
Imagebuilder imagebuilder@2019-12-02 82 KiB 1.3 sec
ImportExport importexport@2010-06-01 11 KiB 0.8 sec
Inspector inspector@2016-02-16 51 KiB 1.0 sec
Iot iot@2015-05-28 352 KiB 2.5 sec
IotData iot-data@2015-05-28 5 KiB 0.7 sec
IoTJobsDataPlane iot-jobs-data@2017-09-29 8 KiB 0.7 sec
IoT1ClickDevicesService iot1click-devices@2018-05-14 13 KiB 0.7 sec
IoT1ClickProjects iot1click-projects@2018-05-14 17 KiB 0.8 sec
IoTAnalytics iotanalytics@2017-11-27 73 KiB 1.1 sec
IotDeviceAdvisor iotdeviceadvisor@2020-09-18 22 KiB 0.8 sec
IoTEvents iotevents@2018-07-27 40 KiB 1.0 sec
IoTEventsData iotevents-data@2018-10-23 10 KiB 0.7 sec
IoTFleetHub iotfleethub@2020-11-03 9 KiB 0.7 sec
IoTSecureTunneling iotsecuretunneling@2018-10-05 10 KiB 0.6 sec
IoTSiteWise iotsitewise@2019-12-02 101 KiB 1.2 sec
IoTThingsGraph iotthingsgraph@2018-09-06 42 KiB 0.9 sec
IoTWireless iotwireless@2020-11-22 70 KiB 1.1 sec
IVS ivs@2020-07-14 22 KiB 0.8 sec
Kafka kafka@2018-11-14 52 KiB 1.1 sec
Kendra kendra@2019-02-03 93 KiB 1.2 sec
Kinesis kinesis@2013-12-02 31 KiB 0.9 sec
KinesisVideoArchivedMedia kinesis-video-archived-media@2017-09-30 12 KiB 0.7 sec
KinesisVideoMedia kinesis-video-media@2017-09-30 3 KiB 0.6 sec
KinesisVideoSignalingChannels kinesis-video-signaling@2019-12-04 3 KiB 0.7 sec
KinesisAnalytics kinesisanalytics@2015-08-14 47 KiB 0.9 sec
KinesisAnalyticsV2 kinesisanalyticsv2@2018-05-23 82 KiB 1.0 sec
KinesisVideo kinesisvideo@2017-09-30 22 KiB 0.8 sec
KMS kms@2014-11-01 47 KiB 0.9 sec
LakeFormation lakeformation@2017-03-31 24 KiB 0.8 sec
Lambda lambda@2014-11-11 14 KiB 0.8 sec
Lambda lambda@2015-03-31 99 KiB 1.3 sec
LexModelBuildingService lex-models@2017-04-19 69 KiB 1.2 sec
LicenseManager license-manager@2018-08-01 65 KiB 1.1 sec
Lightsail lightsail@2016-11-28 198 KiB 1.8 sec
Location location@2020-11-19 45 KiB 0.9 sec
CloudWatchLogs logs@2014-03-28 43 KiB 0.9 sec
LookoutVision lookoutvision@2020-11-20 26 KiB 0.9 sec
MachineLearning machinelearning@2014-12-12 47 KiB 1.0 sec
Macie macie@2017-12-19 10 KiB 0.7 sec
Macie2 macie2@2020-01-01 103 KiB 1.3 sec
ManagedBlockchain managedblockchain@2018-09-24 39 KiB 0.9 sec
MarketplaceCatalog marketplace-catalog@2018-09-17 11 KiB 0.7 sec
MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics marketplacecommerceanalytics@2015-07-01 5 KiB 0.6 sec
MediaConnect mediaconnect@2018-11-14 42 KiB 0.9 sec
MediaConvert mediaconvert@2017-08-29 247 KiB 1.8 sec
MediaLive medialive@2017-10-14 302 KiB 2.3 sec
MediaPackage mediapackage@2017-10-12 46 KiB 1.0 sec
MediaPackageVod mediapackage-vod@2018-11-07 31 KiB 0.9 sec
MediaStore mediastore@2017-09-01 18 KiB 0.8 sec
MediaStoreData mediastore-data@2017-09-01 7 KiB 0.7 sec
MediaTailor mediatailor@2018-04-23 17 KiB 0.8 sec
MarketplaceMetering meteringmarketplace@2016-01-14 7 KiB 0.6 sec
MigrationHubConfig migrationhub-config@2019-06-30 5 KiB 0.7 sec
Mobile mobile@2017-07-01 11 KiB 0.7 sec
MobileAnalytics mobileanalytics@2014-06-05 3 KiB 0.7 sec
CloudWatch monitoring@2010-08-01 59 KiB 1.1 sec
MQ mq@2017-11-27 40 KiB 0.9 sec
MTurk mturk-requester@2017-01-17 51 KiB 1.0 sec
MWAA mwaa@2020-07-01 21 KiB 0.8 sec
Neptune neptune@2014-10-31 138 KiB 1.5 sec
NetworkFirewall network-firewall@2020-11-12 54 KiB 1.0 sec
NetworkManager networkmanager@2019-07-05 47 KiB 1.0 sec
OpsWorks opsworks@2013-02-18 104 KiB 1.3 sec
OpsWorksCM opsworkscm@2016-11-01 25 KiB 0.8 sec
Organizations organizations@2016-11-28 50 KiB 1.0 sec
Outposts outposts@2019-12-03 8 KiB 0.6 sec
Personalize personalize@2018-05-22 65 KiB 1.1 sec
PersonalizeEvents personalize-events@2018-03-22 4 KiB 0.7 sec
PersonalizeRuntime personalize-runtime@2018-05-22 4 KiB 0.6 sec
PI pi@2018-02-27 7 KiB 0.7 sec
Pinpoint pinpoint@2016-12-01 240 KiB 1.9 sec
PinpointEmail pinpoint-email@2018-07-26 61 KiB 1.0 sec
Polly polly@2016-06-10 15 KiB 0.7 sec
Pricing pricing@2017-10-15 5 KiB 0.7 sec
QLDB qldb@2019-01-02 24 KiB 0.8 sec
QLDBSession qldb-session@2019-07-11 8 KiB 0.7 sec
QuickSight quicksight@2018-04-01 199 KiB 1.8 sec
RAM ram@2018-01-04 33 KiB 0.9 sec
RDS rds@2013-01-10 94 KiB 1.3 sec
RDS rds@2013-02-12 100 KiB 1.3 sec
RDS rds@2013-09-09 109 KiB 1.3 sec
RDS rds@2014-09-01 111 KiB 1.4 sec
RDS rds@2014-10-31 309 KiB 2.3 sec
RDSDataService rds-data@2018-08-01 14 KiB 0.8 sec
Redshift redshift@2012-12-01 179 KiB 1.7 sec
RedshiftData redshift-data@2019-12-20 13 KiB 0.8 sec
Rekognition rekognition@2016-06-27 90 KiB 1.3 sec
ResourceGroups resource-groups@2017-11-27 20 KiB 0.8 sec
ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI resourcegroupstaggingapi@2017-01-26 11 KiB 0.7 sec
RoboMaker robomaker@2018-06-29 104 KiB 1.3 sec
Route53 route53@2013-04-01 98 KiB 1.3 sec
Route53Domains route53domains@2014-05-15 35 KiB 0.9 sec
Route53Resolver route53resolver@2018-04-01 43 KiB 0.9 sec
LexRuntime runtime.lex@2016-11-28 18 KiB 0.7 sec
SageMakerRuntime runtime.sagemaker@2017-05-13 3 KiB 0.6 sec
S3 s3@2006-03-01 250 KiB 2.8 sec
S3Control s3control@2018-08-20 91 KiB 1.2 sec
S3Outposts s3outposts@2017-07-25 4 KiB 0.7 sec
SageMaker sagemaker@2017-07-24 530 KiB 2.9 sec
AugmentedAIRuntime sagemaker-a2i-runtime@2019-11-07 8 KiB 0.7 sec
SagemakerEdge sagemaker-edge@2020-09-23 4 KiB 0.6 sec
SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime sagemaker-featurestore-runtime@2020-07-01 4 KiB 0.7 sec
SavingsPlans savingsplans@2019-06-28 22 KiB 0.8 sec
Schemas schemas@2019-12-02 36 KiB 0.9 sec
SimpleDB sdb@2009-04-15 13 KiB 0.8 sec
SecretsManager secretsmanager@2017-10-17 23 KiB 0.8 sec
SecurityHub securityhub@2018-10-26 276 KiB 2.2 sec
ServerlessApplicationRepository serverlessrepo@2017-09-08 25 KiB 0.8 sec
ServiceQuotas service-quotas@2019-06-24 20 KiB 0.8 sec
ServiceCatalog servicecatalog@2015-12-10 127 KiB 1.3 sec
ServiceCatalogAppRegistry servicecatalog-appregistry@2020-06-24 21 KiB 0.9 sec
ServiceDiscovery servicediscovery@2017-03-14 33 KiB 0.9 sec
SESV2 sesv2@2019-09-27 116 KiB 1.3 sec
Shield shield@2016-06-02 35 KiB 0.8 sec
Signer signer@2017-08-25 33 KiB 0.9 sec
SMS sms@2016-10-24 56 KiB 1.1 sec
PinpointSMSVoice sms-voice@2018-09-05 14 KiB 0.7 sec
Snowball snowball@2016-06-30 35 KiB 0.9 sec
SNS sns@2010-03-31 32 KiB 0.9 sec
SQS sqs@2012-11-05 28 KiB 0.9 sec
SSM ssm@2014-11-06 264 KiB 2.1 sec
SSO sso@2019-06-10 6 KiB 0.7 sec
SSOAdmin sso-admin@2020-07-20 39 KiB 0.9 sec
SSOOIDC sso-oidc@2019-06-10 4 KiB 0.7 sec
StepFunctions states@2016-11-23 46 KiB 0.9 sec
StorageGateway storagegateway@2013-06-30 99 KiB 3.9 sec
DynamoDBStreams streams.dynamodb@2012-08-10 10 KiB 0.7 sec
STS sts@2011-06-15 14 KiB 0.8 sec
Support support@2013-04-15 21 KiB 0.8 sec
SWF swf@2012-01-25 101 KiB 1.2 sec
Synthetics synthetics@2017-10-11 20 KiB 0.9 sec
Textract textract@2018-06-27 15 KiB 0.7 sec
TimestreamQuery timestream-query@2018-11-01 6 KiB 0.7 sec
TimestreamWrite timestream-write@2018-11-01 16 KiB 0.7 sec
TranscribeService transcribe@2017-10-26 44 KiB 1.0 sec
Transfer transfer@2018-11-05 24 KiB 0.8 sec
Translate translate@2017-07-01 24 KiB 0.8 sec
WAF waf@2015-08-24 91 KiB 1.2 sec
WAFRegional waf-regional@2016-11-28 94 KiB 1.2 sec
WAFV2 wafv2@2019-07-29 70 KiB 1.1 sec
WellArchitected wellarchitected@2020-03-31 45 KiB 1.0 sec
WorkDocs workdocs@2016-05-01 64 KiB 1.1 sec
WorkLink worklink@2018-09-25 34 KiB 0.9 sec
WorkMail workmail@2017-10-01 52 KiB 1.0 sec
WorkMailMessageFlow workmailmessageflow@2019-05-01 2 KiB 0.6 sec
WorkSpaces workspaces@2015-04-08 66 KiB 1.0 sec
XRay xray@2016-04-12 56 KiB 1.2 sec

If something new is missing from this list, feel free to open an issue!