Deno Third Party Modules is a hosting service for Deno scripts. It caches releases of open-source modules stored on GitHub and serves them at an easy-to-remember domain.
Deno can import modules from any location on the web, like GitHub, a personal webserver, or a CDN like, Skypack, or jsDelivr.
To make it easier to consume third party modules Deno provides some built in tooling like deno info
and deno doc
- eval_vmEvaluate JavaScript-like expressions safely
- deno_markdownGenerate markdown files with ease 🦕
- better_fluentFluent for Deno. Port of @the-moebius/fluent.
- expo_server_sdk_denoServer-side library for working with Expo using Deno
- project_bisheng毕昇工程-中英文混合排版工具
- proconex_atomicNo description
- lume_theme_shiraha❄️ Material 3-inspired Lume Blog Theme. [WIP]
- indexeddbIndexedDB for Deno
- github_apiGithub api for deno
- frugalA frugal web framework
- debuglogDebugging utility for deno. Ported from
- configurationA collection of tools for handling Deno's configuration.
- lcov_coberturaMirror of
- grammy_validatorValidation logic for Telegram Web Apps and Login Widgets
- danielduel_ultra_stack_mesozoicA generic build system for Deno web apps
- convert_bytesA disk unit conversion library.
- youtubeA Deno client library of the YouTube Data API.
- pteroNo description
- jtdA Deno TypeScript implementation of JSON Type Definition
- ip_locationa simple Deno 🦕 Module for fetching IP location details
How do I use modules on
The basic format of code URLs is
. If you leave out the version it will be defaulted to the most recent version released for the module.
Can I find functionality built-in to Deno here?
No, the built-in runtime is documented on deno doc and in the manual. See /std for the standard modules.
I am getting a warning when importing from! warns you when you are implicitly importing the latest version of a module (when you do not explicitly specify a version). This is because it can be unsafe to not tag dependencies. To get rid of the warning, explicitly specify a version.
Can I edit or remove a module on
Module versions are persistent and immutable. It is thus not possible to edit or delete a module (or version), to prevent breaking programs that rely on this module. Modules may be removed if there is a legal reason to do (for example copyright infringement).
A module is name-squatting or its just made as a joke, can I have it?
Name squatting is not allowed on the If you feel that a module is not currently usable, has not been legitimately under development for more than 90 days, and you have a concrete proposal to publish a well-maintained module in its place, please contact support.