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A little library for interacting with Discord’s API.


You can use this library to control a bot or a webhook.


To control a bot, you must go to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new Application or use an existing one. Go to your application and open the Bot tab and press the Add Bot button and confirm. Then, press the Reset Token button and copy the token. Then, invite the bot to your server.

Now, you’re ready to start.

import { Bot, Intents } from "";

token = "..."
chennel = "..."

// Creates a new Bot
const bot = new Bot([Intents.GUILD_MESSAGES]);

// When the bot is ready, display its tag and sends a message
bot.on("ready", (user) => {
  console.log("Logged as " + user.tag);
  bot.sendMessage(channel, {
    content: "Logged!",


Replace the token with the bot’s token and the channel with a channel id from the server of the bot. When you run the script, you must see Logged as ...#... in the console and in the channel, you must see a message of your bot saying Logged!

And… Here you go!


To control a webhook, you must go to your Discord server, select a channel and go to its settings > Integrations > Webhooks and create a new Webhook. Then click the button to copy its url.

Now, you’re ready to start.

import { Webhook } from "";

const url = "..."

const webhook = new Webhook(url);

// Sends a message saying 'Hi!'
await webhook.message({
  content: "Hi!",
// Modifies the Webhook user
await webhook.modify({
  name: "Custom Name",

Replace the url with your webhooks url. When you run the script, you must see in your channel a message of your bot saying Hi! and the webhook’s name should be changed to "Custom Name"

And… Here you go!

On Beta

This project doesn’t have a documentation yet and it can have some errors. If you find a bug, please report it on Github
