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What is Vika?

Vika is a monad library to bring the awesomeness of functional programming to JavaScript/TypeScript. This project was inspired by Rust’s built in Option and Result types.

import { Option, Some, None } from "vika";

interface Todo {
    userId: number;
    id: number;
    title: string;
    completed: boolean;

async function getData<T>(url: string): Promise<Option<T>> {
    const res = await fetch(url);
    if (res.status !== 200) {
        return None;
    return Some(await res.json());

const todo = await getData<Todo>("");
const message = todo.match({
    some: (t) => `User of id "${t.userId}" has a todo of id "${}" with title "${t.title}" that was ${t.completed ? "" : "not"} completed`,
    none: "No task found",

console.log(message) // User of id "1" has a todo of id "1" with title "delectus aut autem" that was not completed