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A cookie parser for Deno based on the same API as the built-in Map object. This package also uses the third party library Keygrip to sign cookies. Heavily based on


import { CookieJar } from "";

cookies = new CookieJar(req, res [, opts])

Instansiates a new cookie jar. Contains cookies for the request and manages them via the response headers. It is named CookieJar to avoid confusion with the Cookies type within Deno’s standard library.

Returns: An instance of a CookieJar class.


  • req {ServerRequest} - Server request.
  • res {Response} - Server response.
  • opts {CookieJarOptions} - Optional options.
    • keys {string[] | Keygrip} - List of keys to construct a Keygrip instance, a Keygrip instance can also be passed directly. Without keys cookies cannot be signed.
    • secure {boolean} - If the connection is considered secure (https), this is used to prevent secure cookies being sent over an unencrypted connection.

cookies.get( name [, opts ] )

Gets the value of a cookie.

Returns: A string with the cookies value if the cookie exists, otherwise returns undefined. However if the cookie is signed it returns undefined if the signature does not match.


  • name {string} - Cookie name.
  • opts {CookieJarOptions} - Optional options.
    • signed {boolean} - Defaults to true if keys are set

cookies.set( name, value [, opts ] )

Sets the value of a cookie, however won’t overwrite if cookie is already set, unless the overwrite option is truthy.

Returns: The same CookieJar object, to be able to chain together multiple with other methods.


  • name {string} - Name of cookie to setCookie name.
  • value {any} - .
  • opts {CookieJarOptions} - Optional options.
    • maxAge {number | string} - Could be a number in seconds or string in the format from the ms module.
    • expires {Date | number | string} -
    • path {string} - Which URL path the cookie should be available in. Defaults to ‘/’.
    • domain {string} - Which domains the cookie should be available to, will include subdomains of the specified domain.
    • secure {boolean} - If the cookie should only be sent through a secure connection aka HTTPS. Defaults to false.
    • httpOnly {boolean} - If cookie should only be available in the HTTP response and not available thorugh scripts. Defaults to true.
    • signed {boolean} - If the cookie should be signed. Defaults to true if any keys are set.
    • overwrite {boolean} - Won’t overwrite if cookie is already set if not true, Defaults to false.
    • sameSite {"strict" | "lax" | "none" | true} - SameSite attribute, for more info see [](MDN for SameSite).

cookies.has( name )

Checks for the exsistence of a cookie.

Returns: A boolean indicating if a cookie with the same name exists.


  • name {string} - Name of cookie to check for.

cookies.delete( name [, opts] )

Deletes a cookie from Has the same effect as setting a cookie to null.

Returns: a boolean indicating if the deletion was successfull.


  • name {string} - Name of cookie to delete.
  • opts {CookieJarOptions} - Optional options.
    • path {string} - Which URL path the cookie should be available in. Defaults to ‘/’.
    • domain {string} - Which domains the cookie should be available to, will include subdomains of the specified domain.
    • secure {boolean} - If the cookie should only be sent through a secure connection aka HTTPS. Defaults to false.
    • httpOnly {boolean} - If cookie should only be available in the HTTP response and not available thorugh scripts. Defaults to true.
    • signed {boolean} - If the cookie should be signed. Defaults to true if any keys are set.
    • sameSite {"strict" | "lax" | "none" | true} - SameSite attribute, for more info see [](MDN for SameSite).


Deletes all the cookies stored in the CookieJar, same as setting each individual cookie to null or an empty string. However some cookies require to be deleted in a specific way due to some specified parameters. See delete for more information.

Returns: void.


import { Response, serve } from "";
import { CookieJar } from "";

const server = serve({ port: 3000 });
console.log("Server listening on port 3000");

for await (const req of server) {
  const res: Response = {
    status: 404,
    headers: new Headers([
      ["Content-Type", "text/plain"],
  const cookies = new CookieJar(req, res, {
    keys: ["secret", "keys"],
    secure: true,

  // Get a cookie (sign it to protect against spoofing)
  const lastVisit = cookies.get("LastVisit", { signed: true });
  if (!lastVisit) {
    res.body = "Welcome first time user!";
    // Set the cookie to a value
    cookies.set("LastVisit",, { signed: true });
  } else {
    const timestamp = new Date(lastVisit).toISOString();
    res.body =
      `Welcome back! Nothing much changed since your last visit at ${timestamp}.`;



$ deno test

