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BB64 (Better Base64)

BB64 is a an easy to use, unicode supported base64 encoding interface for both JavaScript and TypeScript that let’s you:

* Encode/Decode strings to base64 strings
* Encode/Decode Uint8Arrays to base64 strings
* Encode/Decode files to base64 strings, including adding on the appropriate MIME types
* Encode/Decode files to base64 and writing the contents to a file, including adding on the appropriate MIME types


To use BB64, import the library from this repository, and use a from and to function to convert a string, Uint8Array, or file to base64 encoding. For example, to encode a string to base64:

import { Base64 } from "";

Base64.fromString("hello world").toString();

will return the following base64 encoded string:


and then to unencode a base64 string:

import { Base64 } from "";


will return the following base64 decoded string:

hello world



Encode string to base64 encoded string

import { Base64 } from "";

Base64.fromString("hello world").toString();

// Will return "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="

Unicode strings are also supported by bb64:

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will return "0JDQtNCw0LzRgdC60LA="


// Will return "44K444Oj44OD44Kv"

Encode Uint8Array to base64 encoded string

import { Base64 } from "";

// Converting a string to a Uint8Array
let strArray = "hello world".split("");
let charArray = => c.charCodeAt());
let uint8arr = new Uint8Array(charArray);

// Encoding the Uint8Array to a base64 string

// Will return "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="

Encode file to base64 encoded string

import { Base64 } from "";

// In this case, the file contains the text "hello world" and a newline character

// Will return "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK"

Encode file to base64 encoded string including the MIME type from file extension

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will return "..."
// Note that MIME type has been determined based on the file extension

Encode file to base64 encoding and writing the encoded contents to a file

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will write to the "image.base64.png" file the base64 encoded contents "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAA..."
// Note the MIME type will not be included when using this method

Encode file to base64 encoding and writing the encoded contents to a file including the MIME type from the file extension

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will write to the "image.base64.png" file the base64 encoded contents "..."
// Note that MIME type has been determined based on the file extension


Decode base64 string to string

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will return "hello world"

Decode base64 Uint8Array to string

import { Base64 } from "";

// Converting a string to a Uint8Array
let strArray = "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=".split("");
let charArray = => c.charCodeAt());
let b64uint8arr = new Uint8Array(charArray);

// Encoding the Uint8Array to a base64 string

// Will return "hello world"

Decode file to base64 encoded string

import { Base64 } from "";

// In this case, the file contains the base64 encoded text "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK"

// Will return "hello world"

Decode base64 encoded file and writing the unencoded contents to a file

import { Base64 } from "";


// Will read the file "image.png.base64" and base64 decode and write the contents
// to the file "image.png". Note that if "image.png.base64" contained a MIME type,
// this function will remove it when writing the decoded contents to disk