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Deno 1.22 Release Notes

Deno 1.22 has been tagged and released with the following new features and changes:

If you already have Deno installed, you can upgrade to 1.22 by running:

deno upgrade

If you are installing Deno for the first time, you can use one of the methods listed below:

# Using Shell (macOS and Linux):
curl -fsSL | sh

# Using PowerShell (Windows):
iwr -useb | iex

# Using Homebrew (macOS):
brew install deno

# Using Scoop (Windows):
scoop install deno

# Using Chocolatey (Windows):
choco install deno

Default type checking behavior has been updated

Deno currently supports three type checking modes:

  • 🌐 Full: full type checking checks your entire project, including all dependencies. If a dependency contains a type error, it will be reported to you.
  • πŸ“ Local: local type checking checks the code in your project for type errors, but skips type checking for all dependencies.
  • ❌ None: no type checking is performed at all.

Previously, Deno used a default type checking mode of Full. This meant that you would get type errors reported for code outside of your direct control (your dependencies). We have found this to be an inadequate default, and are thus changing the default mode to Local. This is inline with tsc, which also uses a local typechecking mode.

Subcommand v1.21 v1.22 v1.23 (Proposed)
deno bench 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local
deno bundle 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local
deno cache 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local ❌ None
deno check πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local
deno compile 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local
deno eval ❌ None ❌ None ❌ None
deno repl ❌ None ❌ None ❌ None
deno run 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local ❌ None
deno test 🌐 Full πŸ“ Local πŸ“ Local

Note: the proposed changes for the 1.23 release are in line with our goal to disable type checking by default in deno run. See the 1.21 release notes for more details and the rationale for this change.

The Full type checking mode is still available if you want to use it. To perform a Full type check, run deno check --remote main.ts.

You can force a specific type checking mode in any subcommand by using the following flags:

Flag Mode
--no-check ❌ None
--no-check=remoteΒΉ πŸ“ Local
--check=all 🌐 Full

ΒΉ: --no-check=remote will be replaced by --check in an upcoming release.

Removal of unstable Deno.emit(), Deno.formatDiagnostics() and Deno.applySourceMap() APIs

Deno shipped with the Deno.emit() API that allowed transpiling and bundling source code programmatically. This was an unstable API that, in our opinion, never fit well in the Deno namespace. Supporting this API added a lot of complexity to our already complex transpilation pipeline, introducing many subtle edge cases and holding back some of refactors we wanted to do for the longest time. After many discussions we have decided that to remove this API from the Deno namespace and instead provide it as a userland module: deno_emit. This allows us to develop an API that better suits user needs.

Deno namespace is available in workers by default

Deno has supported the Worker Web API since the v1.0 release. However, by default the Deno namespace was not available in the worker context, unless it was explicitly enabled in the option bag:

// This worker did NOT have access to the `Deno` namespace.
new Worker(new URL("./worker_without_deno.js", import.meta.url));

// This worker did have access to the `Deno` namespace.
new Worker(new URL("./worker_without_deno.js", import.meta.url), {
  deno: true,

In this release we are updating web workers to have the Deno namespace enabled by default, better matching user expectations. This means that you can now use Deno namespace APIs in your web workers by default, provided the required permissions are set.

// This worker will now have access to the `Deno` namespace.
new Worker(new URL("./worker_without_deno.js", import.meta.url));

You can still use WorkerOptions.deno option to apply additional settings, like custom permissions:

// Only allows read permissions to this worker.
new Worker(new URL("./worker_without_deno.js", import.meta.url), {
  deno: {
    permissions: {
      read: true,

Thank you Nayeem Rahman for contributing this feature!

--no-config flag

Starting with Deno v1.18, the runtime can automatically discover config files. While this feature is convenient and useful in most cases, there are situations where it is not desirable.

For example, you might be developing a frontend project that uses non-standard TypeScript type declarations, that are defined in configuration files. If you also have some standalone third party tools (like udd) in your project directory, it’s undesirable to apply the same configuration files to those tools, because they may require different type declarations.

This release adds a --no-config flag, which disables auto-discovery of the config file. With this flag passed, all configuration has to be explicitly passed via CLI flags for configuration.

This release adds the userAgent property to the global navigator object. This property is set to the same value as the User-Agent header that is set on outgoing HTTP requests.

// "Deno/1.22.0"

Thank you @randomicon00 for contributing this feature!

Updated Deno.resolveDns() API

This release brings an update to the Deno.resolveDns() API. The following record types can now be resolved:

  • NS
  • CAA
  • SOA

For example:

const [ns, caa, soa, naptr] = await Promise.all([
  Deno.resolveDns("", "NS", nameServer),
  Deno.resolveDns("", "CAA", nameServer),
  Deno.resolveDns("", "SOA", nameServer),
  Deno.resolveDns("", "NAPTR", nameServer),

console.log("NS", ns);
// NS ["","",""]
console.log("CAA", caa);
// CAA [
//    {"critical":false,"tag":"issue","value":""},
//    {"critical":false,"tag":"issue","value":"; account=123456"},
//    {"critical":false,"tag":"issuewild","value":";"},
//    {"critical":false,"tag":"iodef","value":""},
//    {"critical":true,"tag":"tbs","value":"Unknown"}
// ]
console.log("SOA", soa);
// SOA [
//    {"mname":"","rname":"admin\\","serial":20,"refresh":7200,"retry":600,"expire":3600000,"minimum":60}
// ]
console.log("NAPTR", naptr);
// NAPTR [
//    {"order":10,"preference":0,"flags":"s","services":"SIPS+D2T","regexp":"","replacement":""},
//    {"order":10,"preference":0,"flags":"s","services":"RELAY:turn.udp","regexp":"","replacement":""}
// ]

Thank you to Thanapat Chotipun and Craig Morten for contributing this feature!

New Response.json() static method

This release adds a new static json() method to the Response global. It allows the easy creation of Response objects from JSON structures.

const json = { hello: "world" };

// Previously:
const body = JSON.stringify(json);
const response = new Response(body, {
  headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },

// Now:
const response = Response.json(json);

The first argument of the new method is the JSON structure to be encoded. The second argument is an optional options bag that is identical to the one used in the new Response() constructor.

This addition to the Fetch specification was specifically designed with server side runtimes in mind. Deno is the first runtime to implement this new API in stable, but other runtimes should follow suit soon. Chromium already has an implementation of this API in review.

Linting enabled by default in the LSP

Deno v1.22 enables linting in IDE/editors using deno lsp by default. This setting can still be disabled, but in most projects this will mean that less IDE/editor configuration is required, as most projects have linting enabled.

Updates to the unstable Deno.spawn() API

An AbortSignal can now be passed as a signal argument in the options bag to Deno.spawn() and Deno.spawnChild(). When the signal is aborted, the subprocess is terminated with a SIGTERM signal.

The return type for ProcessStatus has also been updated: signal is now set to a string representing the signal that caused the process to exit. For example, if a process is terminated with SIGTERM, the signal property will be set to "SIGTERM". Using a string instead of a number is consistent with the Deno.Child#kill API.

Deno.spawn, Deno.spawnChild, and Deno.spawnSync are still unstable APIs as of this release. We want to stabilize the API in the next release (v1.23.0). Please try out the new APIs, and provide any feedback via our issue tracker.

Updates to the test runner

This release brings another handful of updates to the test runner. We are still iterating on the reporter output to make it more readable.

Headers for the “ERRORS” and “FAILURES” sections are now more visible, and failed tests now show the file name and line number of the Deno.test() call:

Headers and callsite

If a test prints output, it’s name is repeated on the line following the output, to make figuring out which test failed / passed easier:

Repeated test name if output is printed

Uncaught errors have a better representation now, and show a hint to what might have gone wrong:

Uncaught errors in tests

Thank you Nayeem Rahman for contributing these changes!

performance.timeOrigin and performance.toJSON

The performance global is getting a new property this release: timeOrigin. This is set to the high resolution UNIX timestamp of the time the worker was started. It can be used in combination with to calculate a high resolution UNIX timestamp of the current time.

// This is the same as ``, except that the precision is much greater
// than the millisecond precision of ``.
const timestamp = performance.timeOrigin +;

Additionally, the performance.toJSON() method now exists and behaves identically to browsers.

Thank you Geert-Jan Zwiers for contributing this feature!

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