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Office Hours Transcript for 2023-01-13

  • Tim Post

In case you missed out on our first regular Office Hours on January 13th on our Discord, here’s the high level transcript of the questions and answers.

Also, our next Office Hours will be this Friday, January 27th, 2023 at 09:00 AM PST.

Skip ahead to the Q&A transcript or keep on reading for our takeaways and updates to Office Hours going forward.

Goals and Takeaways

Before we dive into our takeaways, we want to reiterate our goals:

  • We want to make it easy for anyone who is interested to participate. This means allowing questions to be asked asynchronously in our Discord’s #office-hours or being able to review a previous session via our high level transcripts
  • We are always open to candid feedback (just DM @timpost!)
  • We want everyone to feel welcome, their participation valued, and their safety and privacy respected

We believe our goals were exceeded and are excited for Office Hours to continue. (If you feel like we could’ve done something better, please don’t hesitate to DM us.)

Here are our main takeaways:

  • We heard you on roadmap! We want to use Office Hours (and our other content channels) to provide frequent progress updates.
  • Many of you enjoy learning about our process of building Deno (how we decide what to include and various technical details). We’ll consider this as we produce new content for you.
  • We want to record our Office Hours so that we can release an edited video to our YouTube Channel.

Q&A from Office Hours #1 (2023-01-13):

Will there be a Deno V2, and will it be a total rewrite?

There will be a V2! It won’t be a rewrite, our focus is improving things to better match how people need to use them. Any changes will be incremental, communicated early, and your feedback will of course be a very important part of the process.

Are there plans for adding ARM64 builds for GNU/Linux and Android/Linux?

Yes, they’re in the backlog! We don’t have an ETA but we’ll communicate any plans firming up as soon as we’re more certain.

What about Deno made you want to contribute to it?

  • (Bartek) Was always intrigued! Ryan’s 10 Things I Regret About Node.js was inspiring, and just love working on it!

  • (Andy) I really, really, REALLY like Dinosaurs.

  • (Tim) It’s exciting to be a part of a runtime that brings this kind of engineering power to developers, particularly new developers!

Will there be a compiler API or loader API in the next few years?

This is a recurring conversation, and we’re interested in looking at it once we have some more use cases that helps narrow down how it would need to work, and how that would impact things like permissions and other parts.

Will Deno make import maps more useful in the future?

Context: Importing another project’s TS file doesn’t pick up from its own import map, but rather from the pulling project.

Import maps are a standard, so there’s a limit to how much room we have to differentiate ourselves in how we use them, but we’re definitely for making them more useful (or perhaps less frustrating?) within those limits.

Will there be a way to limit spend on Deno Deploy?

Yes, this is planned. We’re not sure of the ETA quite yet, we’ll make sure to let everyone know once we have one.

When will Deno Deploy be out of private beta?

We don’t have a firm ETA for it yet, but we’ll announce any plans in the bi-weekly office hours road map roundup, even when the news is we just have a tentative ETA.

Are there still plans for some kind of data storage API on Deno Deploy?

YES! It will likely start as a globally-synced Key/Value store, and progress from there. We’re not 100% certain what a MVP is going to look like at this point, but promise access to sneak peeks and demos as frequently as we can until an early release actually ships.

We don’t have a firm ETA, however, but this will be part of our bi-weekly road map updates once there’s something to report.

Are there updates about GDPR / Etc compatibility for Deploy and Sub Hosting?

Not yet, but this will be covered as we go over any new road map items once some more things solidify. Stay tuned, we’ll keep an eye on it and other things as we put together the road map.

Join our next Office Hours

We couldn’t be happier about the way that our first routine event went, and we’re really excited to see you at the next one on Friday, January 27th, 2023 at 09:00 AM PST!

Questions are currently being accepted in #office-hours in our Discord server; we hope to see you there!