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Introducing Deno Deploy spending limits

Protect your cloud spend with new Deno Deploy spend limits

Serverless and cloud hosting can be a great solution for many projects, with pay-as-you-go billing, easy deployments, and the ability to scale and replicate without any tedious configuration required. That is, until the occasional story where someone wakes up to their cloud deployment racking up thousands of dollars.

We believe surprises are the last thing anyone wants in their cloud billing. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce spending limits in Deno Deploy to give you more control over your cloud spend.

You can now limit your spend on Deno Deploy.

The spend limits, available on the Pro plan, let you set the max spend per month across your entire Deno Deploy org. Here’s how they work.

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Spend management

Spend limits are only available for Deno Deploy Pro accounts. To set your spend limit per month for your Deno Deploy organization, first head to your settings. Scroll down past “Billing”, where you’ll see “Spend management”:

You can set your spend limit in your settings.

Click on “Set Spend Limit”, which will then show an input field and a Save button.

You can set your spend limit in your settings.

You can now set your spend limit for your entire organization by adding a dollar amount in the input field and pressing “Save”.

And that’s all there’s to it!

Please note that this feature will be rolled out progressively over the next month.

Spend notifications

Once you have set your org-wide spend limit, you will receive an email when your spend in the current cycle reaches 50%, 90%, and 100%. You can modify the limit at any time in your settings.

You will receive an email you have reached your 50%, 90%, and 100% of your spend limit.

Once your organization spend has reached 100% of your spend limit, all requests to your deployments will receive a 403: FORBIDDEN (QUOTA EXCEEDED) error.

You will receive a 403 once you have reached your spend limit.

What’s next

Building for the cloud should be simple, and that includes sensible safeguards on your spending so you don’t wake up to a surprise thousand dollar bill. We’re currently working on making Deno Deploy the easiest place to run JavaScript and TypeScript in the cloud. Stay tuned for future updates.

🚨️ Deno 2 is right around the corner 🚨️

There are some minor breaking changes in Deno 2. Future proof your code by adding the DENO_FUTURE=1 flag today.